Most Dangerous Cities in Nigeria (2022)

Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy and home to some of the most insecure and dangerous cities in the world. These dangerous cities in Nigeria are ‘no-go’ area for tourists as there are often reports of kidnapping, herdsmen killings, ritual killings, suicide bombings, ethnic clashes, carjackings, banditry and terrorism, leading to deaths of innocent Nigerians, security officials, even foreigners and aid workers are not left out. Nigeria has had to grapple with insecurity challenges that have led to the loss of life, properties, and investment in most parts of the country.

Most Dangerous Cities in Nigeria (2021)

Here are some of the most dangerous cities in Nigeria to avoid:

Most Dangerous Cities in Nigeria


Zamfara is known to be the headquarter of Nigeria’s banditry. ‘Bandit’ is a euphemistic tag for Fulani pastoralists. In Zamfara state, many innocent civilians have been killed or mortally wounded because of violence from these bandits. There is also a rise in sexual violence as girls and women are kidnapped, sexually assaulted and raped.

Zamfara is currently on the news because of the high kidnapping incidence in the state. Just recently, more than 300 girls have been said to be kidnapped from a school in Zamfara state. There is also a rise in the recruitment of children for criminal activities in the state as there is a link between these bandits and terrorists.


Most Dangerous Cities in Nigeria (2021)

In the last 5 years, Kaduna has become a hotbed for violence and crime. There is also a rise of armed militias in the state, leading to the death of thousands of innocent persons. Kidnappers have also created an enterprise in the state where people are abducted for ransom. Kaduna insecurity can be traced to three factors: farmer-herdsmen conflicts, the rise in criminal activities like kidnapping, illegal armed trade, cattle rustling and armed robbery and terrorism.

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Most Dangerous Cities in Nigeria (2021)

Though Sokoto was once touted as ‘the fastest growing economy in Northern Nigeria’, it has been ravaged by insecurity and criminality. The state has had its own share of banditry and kidnapping. This has hindered the growth and development of the state. There has been an increase in refugees and internally displaced persons in the state, contributing to the already burgeoning poverty level in Nigeria.


Oil-rich Rivers state is the most dangerous state in Southern Nigeria. Since 2014, there has been a sharp growth in cult-related crime. This cult violence has a political, militant and even communal undertone. For instance, in places like Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni and Degema, hundreds of people have died due to cult violence.


Most Dangerous Cities in Nigeria (2021)

Plateau is known for its inter-ethnic and religious clashes, which has led to bloodbaths. Whether it is Christians against Muslims or Fulanis against Jarawa, lots of lives and properties are lost whenever this violence takes place. Fueling all this insecurity and violence is inequality, unemployment and high poverty level.


Lagos is Africa’s largest city and the most dangerous city in the world. Lagos is known for frequent robbery attacks. In places like Abule Egba, Miran and Iyana Ipaga, the police seem powerless as robbers and thieves raid house and shops unchallenged. Rape, carjacking, kidnapping and burglary are also big problems for Lagos residents. In Lagos, almost every street has a gang that rob vehicles or invade homes.

Read: Exciting Things to Do at Mambilla Plateau and When to Visit


Most Dangerous Cities in Nigeria (2021)

Kebbi initially was one of the most peaceful states in Nigeria but because of the endemic poverty, unemployment, poor education and inequality, there has been a sharp rise in armed banditry, kidnapping, herdsmen-farmer violence and intercommunal violence.

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