Euro to Naira Exchange Rate (CBN Rate and Aboki Rate 2024)

Euro to Naira Exchange Rate: How much does the Nigerian Naira exchange for the Euro? In this concise piece, we’ll discuss the current exchange rate of the Euro to Naira today and the reasons that accounted for this.

Euro to Naira Exchange Rate

Official CBN exchange rate of Euro to Naira
₦1237.0477 to one Euro – buy rate
₦1237.0477 to one Euro – sell rate

Black market/interbank exchange rate of Euro to Naira
₦1237.5808 to one Euro – buy rate
₦1,228.17 to one Euro – sell rate

Before we proceed, it’s best to let you know that the above rates are subject to change unexpectedly. This is a normal situation, as regards the FOREX market – it’s dynamic and fluctuates every minute. But we’ve given you insight.

You might wonder why the official CBN rate is much lower than that of the interbank and black market (aboki) or the Bureau De Change. This is simply because official rates are what the Nigerian government values the Naira at, while parallel rates are the true valuation of foreign currency in the open retail market or what we love to call the black market.

The CBN can influence the parallel rates by further pumping more foreign currency into Deposit Money Banks (DMBs), but this can hardly be sustained, and the huge divide remains.

Fun Facts About the Euro You May Not Know.

Euro to Naira Exchange Rate

How much do you know about the Euro? Here are some facts you should know before we proceed.

  1. It’s not as old as the Naira. True. In 1999, the Euro went into use electronically, and in 2002, Euro notes and coins went into circulation.
  2. The Euro notes in circulation include €500, €200, €100, €50, €20, €10, and €5. Coins of 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, €1, and €2 are available.
  3. The Euro symbol, €, came from the Greek alphabet ‘epsilon’ with two parallel horizontal lines crossing the middle of the alphabet. | 1usd to NGN
  4. Euro coins are developed with machine-readable features to protect against the circulation of fake coins.
  5. The European Central Bank (ECB) monitors and governs the production and circulation of the Euro.

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Why is the Naira so poor against the Euro?

Nigeria is a sovereign country with a population of over 200 million people. It boasts vast mineral resources, including large deposits of crude oil. Add that to the favorable agricultural landscape, and you begin to understand that Nigeria is a blessed nation. So it’s quite bewildering that such a nation would have a currency that performs so poorly against other foreign currencies—over N700 for one Euro. The reason for this is not far-fetched. We highlight it below.

1. Untapped mineral resources

As was earlier said, Nigeria is immensely blessed with many natural resources, not just oil. We have huge deposits of limestone, iron ore, lead, coal, columbite, bitumen and even gold. These resources are largely untapped, and even when they are, the funds go into private pockets instead of the economy.

Nigeria has left most of the aforementioned mineral resources to lie fallow while all eyes are on the exploration of crude oil.

Overdependence on crude oil has threatened to bring the country to its knees economically. As a result, the nation’s currency has continuously been devalued.

2. Few exports and too many imports

What does Nigeria export besides oil? You have to rack your brains to answer that. A country cannot have a strong currency when it imports almost everything and exports next to nothing.

As a nation, it’s alarming to note that Nigeria still imports frivolities such as toothpicks, eggs, red oil, plantain, spoons, clothes and even premium motor spirit (fuel). It’ll be difficult to have a strong currency when we take so much and offer so little. See Dollar for Naira

3. Nigerians love foreign-made goods

We are also at fault in the sense that most Nigerians would rather buy a foreign-made product than a Nigerian-made one. The few Nigerians who have managed to set up production industries are poorly patronized by their fellow citizens. Since we’d rather buy foreign goods, go to foreign schools, eat foreign foods and patronize foreign experts, we’ll always need foreign exchange, and foreign currencies will remain superior to ours.

These unfortunate occurrences came as a result of colonial mentality, where our former colonial masters encouraged us to consume anything foreign and avoid anything local as unhealthy. Even after the departure of the colonial masters, that mindset still remained with us.

4. Poor management of the economy

The government has a responsibility to bring the economy back to life, but sadly, it has failed on so many fronts. Funds are constantly being looted by government officials while financial institutions are failing in their duties of making the economy robust. Businesses are folding up, and recession has set in. the result is a gross devaluation of the Naira against other foreign currencies.


The Naira currently exchanges at almost 800 for one Euro. We’ve shown you facts about the Euro and discussed in depth why the naira has such a poor value compared to the Euro. You must now do your bit to make the naira gain some value by putting your knowledge into action.

That is it on Euro to Naira Exchange Rate. Do well to share this information with others. Thank you.


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