Why You Should Go for NYSC Orientation Camp

See some core reasons why you should go for the NYSC orientation camp here!!!

…I have always lacked the desire to go for the National Youth Service like it was a whole lot of waste of time. I never knew I would feel differently when  Surprisingly my feelings began to take a new turn when I got to the camp. I began to see things in a different light.

When I thought deeply about the values, the goals, and purpose of this three weeks camp program my admiration for the orientation camp deepening even further.


Well, a lot of people who have passed through the experience might see things differently. I remember in the camp when my best friend and I argued about the value of these three weeks camp. He totally stood on the premise that it was simply a waste of three weeks. I didn’t go listing out any arguments I had because his mind was already closed to listen.

Right now I would be glad to share some of the benefits I see you can derive from this orientation camp with you. Remember when you appreciate the little things in your life better things would come along too.

Feeding and Care By The Government

When I think of the protection, the care, and love that the government show to the over 200,000 Nigerian youth corp members every year I am filled with joy. It makes you feel important and of value to your nation. It gives a sense of pride and belonging that continues to live with you even after the camp and your service year.

The Nigerian government is doing a great job and I must appreciate that. A lot of people say they have the capacity to do more than that but I still feel grateful for the little they have done. I don’t think any other African country enjoys the kind of love and care that the Nigerian government shows its corp members.


There are certain disciplines that I value in the routine of the orientation camp. One of them is the early morning devotion and the physical exercise that follows suit. When I think about it, I realize that this is a normal way of life that any responsible man or lady needs to cultivate if he is going to be successful in his future endeavor.

When you start working to earn a living most often you have to wake up very early every day whether you like it or not. It is a good practice that the scheme has included which in a way prepares corp members of the real world they are about to face.

The morning devotion that follows is one good habit to cultivate. This morning’s spiritual state of mind can be the relaxing calmness that makes everything in your day move smoothly. It helps to relax your mind and your mood, which makes life each day start with a smile and hope.

The physical exercise that follows is another good thing. Everyday science recommends that we exercise. How many of us do that today? Many workers today are also guilty of not doing that.

Those strict rules in the camp also helped me to appreciate the value of a disciplined society. Imagine housing around four thousand people in a place for three weeks and everything seems to go smoothly throughout. That I believe is the power of rules and the discipline it brings.

Team Work

Everybody corp member is placed in a platoon or group. In these platoons, there are a lot of activities that each group is expected to perform.

These activities include cooking for everybody for the day, acting drama, participating in a group dance competition, and many other things. To achieve these would require a certain amount of teamwork.

You will be pleased to see people from different ethnicity and background working harmoniously as one. If you observe carefully you can pick one or two ideas that make a team succeed. This is one vital lesson the platoon activities provide.

Meeting New Friends

The value of meeting new people cannot be overemphasized. People are an open doorway for future opportunities and connections. The joy of making new friends and meeting new people keeps the spirit in the camp high.

The fun experience in most rooms is so amazing that most ex-corpers still relieve those memories.  Most people make friendships that last a long time even between the same genders.

Skill Acquisition

The NYSC SAED program which is a novel program in the NYSC scheme is another way that the Nigerian government has proven to help our Nigerian youth. Those who decide to enroll and follow the program, leave with some skills that begin to roll in money for them even while in their service year. These are not mere talks there are lot of testimonies to that effect.

The skill acquisition program also brings you into contact with successful business men around you that you can always count on for advice and help as you make the climb in your own financial ladder.

I feel like resting my back a bit. So I hope these few things I have shared with you would put hope and great anticipation for you as you pass through your three short weeks in camp. Trust me you will enjoy it.

Before you go don’t forget to leave a nice comment or two in the box provided below if you have a kind heart. Thank you for your time and enjoy your stay at www.awajis.com/nysc

1 thought on “Why You Should Go for NYSC Orientation Camp”

  1. Comment Text* I have been posted for NYSC,but my result is not yet available! And I have printed the call up letter,can I still go with batch B?

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