Nicknames For Girl Best Friends

Friendships are valuable and should be appreciated. It’s important that you express your affection for somebody by articulating it verbally and physically. You can use this compilation of best friend nicknames to truly make your girlfriend feel happy.

Best friends spend time apart from their usual circle of friends. Even when you’re feeling down, they’re there for you. They almost feel like a part of you.

They give you their time, attention, and advice and make you angry at times, but they still remain your antidote to depression, so it’s almost impossible to stay away from them.

People come and go in everyone’s life, but with time, you’ll learn who truly deserves to be named your best friend, and this depends only on their level of commitment to you.

That notwithstanding, it is usually said that, for whom much is given, much is expected. So, you can’t afford to get all the love your best girlfriend showers on you and not reciprocate. I mean, that’ll be unfair of you.

You should always tell your best friend how much you love and care for them by using beautiful nicknames and pet names to express your affection. Names have the power to rejuvenate or jeopardise someone’s love for you.

If you’re running low on ideas for girl best friend nicknames, we’ve got a few below for you.

Nicknames For Girl Best Friends

Honey Bunch – Nothing is sweeter than honey, except your woman.

Bubble Butt – This is self-explanatory, but be careful; she may get mad.

Sweet Little Dumpling – A woman with a curvy figure that likes to show off her curves will appreciate this one.

Fruit Loop – A playful name that should be used with caution.

Kitten – Playful, cute, and sweet—describes her—and a kitten, of course.

Doll Face – Beautiful and flaw-free is what doll face means.

Angel Eyes – The eyes of an angel are something that every girl strives for, but they are meant only for your special lady.

Babe – A babe means a girl who is beautiful, so it describes her perfectly.

Dreamboat – She’s a boat filled with dreams.

♥ Pancakes – A pet name with no real meaning.

Pet – Cute and cuddly just like she is.

Love of my Life – More of a beautiful saying than a real nickname.

Lover Girl – Old fashioned and cute. This is a great name that isn’t too mushy but still hits the right chords with any girl.

Honey Bunny – Sweet as honey, and cuddly and cute like a bunny.

Sweetheart – Your girl has a sweetheart, so remind her of it often.

Pumpkin – There is no real meaning

♥ Queen – For the friend who rules your heart and will always win your affection.

♥  Gangster – For the punk friend who will punch your enemies right in the face for troubling you.

Happiness – For that friend who is the source of (almost) all the happiness in your life.

♥ Flowery  -As innocent as a flower! We all have a sweet friend who needs to always be protected.

♥ Hershey – For the chocolate-loving friend who always has candies in their bag.

Doubles – For the friend who is never satisfied with one (of anything) and will always keep another option as a backup.

Star – For the bestie who is a superstar in the making and already has an imaginary spotlight above their head.

Shortie – For the tiny friend whose head serves as an armrest.

Gossip – For the friend who always has the latest gossip!

Blossom – For that one friend who is as pretty as a budding cherry blossom and makes you feel fresh when they are around.

La-la Land – For the sweet friend whose head always seems to be in the clouds and who is always in a state of bliss.

♥ Sassy B!tch – Not all besties are sweet as sugar. Some are saucy and will call you out on your bad behavior.

♥ Yummy – For that best friend who cooks tasty meals for you and never lets you go hungry.

♥ Calculator – For the smart friend who can calculate how to split the restaurant bill in their head.

Superhero – For the best friend who never says ‘no’ and is always there to help when you are in trouble. The real-life superhero!

♥ King  –For the friend who believes in living life king-size.

♥ Catalyst – For the person who creates magic in every friendship. You probably didn’t take any time opening up to and trusting this person.

♥ Poker Face – For that one best friend who always covers for you in front of your parents with the straightest poker face

♥ Creepy – For the creepy friend whose stalking skills help you find your crush on every social media app out there.

♥ Volcano – For the short-tempered friend who blows their top at the slightest sign of annoyance.

♥ Twig – For that one friend who never seems to put on weight no matter how much they eat.

♥ Gorgeous – For the friend who is beautiful beyond measure.

♥ Macho – For the strong friend who looks all macho and tough but is a softy at heart!

♥ Juliet – For the love-sick best friend who never gets tired of talking about her boyfriend.

♥ Tough Guy – For the friend who never (ever!) sheds a tear, no matter how many cute puppy or baby videos you show them.

♥ Greasy – What can you say? This friend just loves their greasy burger and fries.

♥ Reactor – For that friend who reacts to every tiny stimulus. Poke them once, and they’ll fly across the room!

♥ Engine – For the bestie who leads the way and gives direction to every fun activity.

♥ Thor – For the “God of Thunder” bestie who leaves no stone unturned to save and protect you.

♥ Chamber – For the best friend who took a century to open up to you and is practically a chamber of all your secrets.

♥ Dash – For the hyperactive friend who seems to have unusually high energy and superfast reflexes all the time.

♥ Smarty Pants – For the know-it-all friend who you keep trying to save from trouble.

♥  Bubbles – For the emotional bestie who cries a river at every little thing.

♥ Dimples – For the friend with the cutest dimples that you keep poking all day!

♥ Blueprint – –For the bestie who plans out every detail before doing anything or going anywhere.

♥ Pickles – This is for the friend who loves pickles.

♥ Boulder – For the bestie who is beyond strong.

♥ Kiddo – For the sweet friend who will always be a kid to you, no matter how old they get.

♥ Nemo – This friend keeps getting lost in the crowd wherever you guys go.

♥ Hercules – For that physically strong friend you go to when you a bottle or box opened

♥ Stinky – For the friend who will not take a shower until you throw them in a pool! Ew, I know.

♥ Fruity – For the health-conscious friend who not only carries fruits everywhere but also forces feeds them to you.

♥ Robo – For the stoic friend who betrays no emotions. This is probably also the most practical person in your group.

Other Sweet Nicknames For Girl Best Friends

♦♦ Bestie

♦♦ BFF

♦♦ Queen

♦♦ Senorita

♦♦ Girly

♦♦ Gal

♦♦ Friend for Life

♦♦ Forever Friend

♦♦ Soul Sister

♦♦ Sis

♦♦ Chica

♦♦ Missy

♦♦ Ride or die

♦♦ Homegirl

♦♦ Buddy

♦♦ Champ

♦♦ Amigo

♦♦ Bubba

♦♦ Tank

♦♦ Tiny

♦♦ Slim

♦♦ Buck

♦♦ Coach

♦♦ Junior

♦♦ Senior

♦♦ Pal

♦♦ Buster

♦♦ Bud

♦♦ Mouse

♦♦ Munchkin

♦♦ Bee

♦♦ Dolly

♦♦ Precious

♦♦ Bug

♦♦ Chipmunk


♦♦ Cutie Pie

♦♦ Bonny Lass

♦♦ Sweetums

♦♦ Toots

♦♦ Buttercup

♦♦ Lovey

♦♦ Nugget

♦♦ Teacup

♦♦ Oldie

♦♦ Shortie

♦♦ Mamacita

♦♦ Chicken Nugget

♦♦ Teacup Piggy

♦♦ Care Bear

♦♦ Mini Skirt

♦♦ Giggles

♦♦ Belle

♦♦ B!tch

♦♦ Rainbow

♦♦ Loca

♦♦ Puff Puff

♦♦ Cuddle Pig

♦♦ Smiles

♦♦ Beautiful

♦♦ Pretty Pie

Also See: Good Morning Prayer For  A friend

♦♦ Oompa Loompa

♦♦ Love

♦♦ Pancake

♦♦ Dearest

♦♦ Mama

♦♦ Gem

♦♦ Oldie

♦♦ Westie

♦♦ Bubble Butt

♦♦ GF (Great Friend)

♦♦ Lovely

♦♦ Aura

♦♦ Lil Missy

♦♦ Sweetie

♦♦ Friend of Life / F4L

♦♦ Hermana

♦♦ Bubbles

♦♦ Baby Girl

♦♦ Monkey

♦♦ Sweet Feet

♦♦ Foxy Mama




♦♦ Queen Bee

♦♦ Rosebud

♦♦ Forever Friend

♦♦ Olive

♦♦ Bubbles

♦♦ Candy

♦♦ Soul Friend

♦♦ Quinta

♦♦ Short Shorts

♦♦ Moonshine

♦♦ Superfriend

♦♦ Hoodie

♦♦ Chica

♦♦ Mini Me

♦♦ Maus

♦♦ Amour

♦♦ Pebblybutt

♦♦ Buttercup

♦♦ Jewel

♦♦ Otter

♦♦ Kitten

♦♦ B (Short of B!tch)

♦♦ Cheeky

♦♦ Princess

♦♦ UF (Ultimate Friend)

♦♦ Dimples

♦♦ Sweet ‘n Sour

♦♦ Catbug

♦♦ Bubba

♦♦ Brown Sugar

♦♦ Freckles

♦♦ Hot Sauce

♦♦ Baby Carrot

♦♦ Wonderfriend

♦♦ Chiquitita

♦♦ Birdy

♦♦ Sparkles

♦♦ Pickle

♦♦ Tigerini

♦♦ Mami

♦♦ Cookie

♦♦ Bee’s Knee’s

♦♦ Betty Boop

♦♦ Taco

♦♦ Doll Face

♦♦ Cuddle Bunny

♦♦ Huggie

♦♦ Old Lady

♦♦ Tika

♦♦ Cinnamon

♦♦ Friend-o

♦♦ Senorita

♦♦ Rose

♦♦ Bae

♦♦ Cutie

♦♦BIFF (Best Internet Friend Forever)

♦♦ Hun

♦♦ Tweety

♦♦ Babs

♦♦ Darling

♦♦ Doll

♦♦ Dumpling

♦♦ Biscuit

♦♦ Firefly

♦♦ Poppyseed

♦♦ Contesa

♦♦ French Fry

♦♦ Monkey Butt

♦♦ Strawberry

♦♦ Friencess

♦♦ Precious

♦♦ Giggle-loo

♦♦ Misty

♦♦ Heartie

♦♦ Cherie

♦♦ Bee

♦♦ Genius

Sweet Nicknames For Girl Best Friends Based on Personality Traits

1. Sunshine – Loving and gentle, she will always brighten your day.

2. Bubbles – She’s always cheerful and lifts your spirits like the bubbles in a Seltzer.

3. Black Widow – Gorgeous but deadly, don’t get on her wrong side cause she can kick some serious ass.

4. Angel Heart – Her kindness and compassion have you convinced that she fell straight from heaven.

5. Diamond – So beautiful that she sparkles, but she’s tougher than anyone else you know.

6. Queen Bee – Always in charge, this girl rules the hive.

7. Summer – She’s as warm and refreshing as a summer’s day.

8. Hot Sauce – She’s the one with a fiery temper, but life would be bland and tasteless without her.

9. Care Bear – For that big-hearted, selfless friend who always puts everyone else before herself.

10. Xena – She’s a true warrior princess who will fight for you any day, no questions asked.

11. Giggles – It doesn’t take much to make her laugh; the smallest jokes send her into fits.

12. Espresso – This girl is energetic and energizing, like a cup of strong coffee.

13. Lady Fortune – Luck always seems to be on her side; you stick around her, hoping some of it might rub off onto you!

Sweet Nicknames For Girl Best Friends Based on Appearance

  •  Curly – Her hair naturally curls up into luscious locks that almost have a life of their own.
  •  Big Mama – The fact that she’s big only means there’s a whole lot more of her to love.
  • Cocoa – Her skin is dark as chocolate, and she’s just as sweet.
  •  Dimples – Those pits in her cheeks so big you could almost poke a finger in them make her smiles so much more beautiful.
  •  Freckles – Those little dark patches make her face look like a beautiful mosaic.
  •  Tomboy – Even though she can kill it in a dress and high heels (if you can get her to wear them!), jeans, sneakers, and a baseball cap are more her style.
  •  Supermodel – She’s that friend with the runway good looks. She turns heads everywhere she goes.
  •  Half-pint – For that friend who’s so adorably small, you wish you could keep her as a pet.
  •  Mama Long-legs – She has legs that go on forever and isn’t afraid to show them off.
  •  Bootylicious – The girl with the gorgeous butt – you hate to see her go but love to watch her leave!

Sweet Nicknames For Girl Best Friends Based on Interests and Hobbies

  • Party Animal – The night is never over for her, she can always stay up one more night, visit one more club and never run out of energy.
  •  Gadget Girl – Handy with tools and able to fix anything, you don’t know what you would do without this girl.
  • Sporty – Always active and improving her fitness, she inspires you to get in shape yourself.
  •  Boss Lady – Whether she has a white-collar job or runs her own business, her leadership skills and feminine power put her firmly in charge.
  •  Astrogirl – She loves the night sky so much you suspect she might just be looking for a home up there.
  •  Dora – She’s a born explorer, always looking for new places to visit and adventures to go on.
  •  Nature girl – She loves being in natural surroundings and taking care of the environment.
  •  Miss FBI – Always attentive and just a little paranoid, this is that friend you can never keep a secret from.
  •  Gossip Girl – Looking for the latest juicy piece of gossip? She’s the first person you’ll hear it from.
  •  Madam Curie – For that genius-level smart friend who destroys any idea that women can’t be intelligent too.
  •  Doodlebug – That artsy friend who’s always drawing and sketching something.
  •  Melody – For that girl with music in her soul. She’s always humming and singing, filling the world with beautiful tunes.

Sweet and Cute Nicknames for Girlfriends

  • Wifey – You might “just” be friends, but you know you’ll be together until death do you part.
  •  Girlfriend – She’s a girl. She’s your friend. She’s your girlfriend.
  •  Sweetcheeks – She’s so adorable you can’t resist the urge to pinch her sweet cheeks like a grandma fussing over a baby.
  •  Cupcake – She’s soft and sweet and loved by everybody.
  •  Babydoll – She’s so precious to you that you would do anything to care for her.
  •  Angel – She may not have a halo and wings, but she’s heavenly as can be.
  •  Princess – She is gracious and noble, giving off the air of royalty.
  •  China Doll – Beautiful yet fragile, you would do anything to protect her.
  •  Cherry Blossom – Gorgeous, sweet, and innocent, she reminds you of a beautiful spring day.
  •  Cuddle Bunny – She loves to be close, and your favorite times together are when you are in each other’s arms.46. Goofball – She has a goofy sense of humor and never fails to make you laugh.
  •  Frizzles – her hair can’t ever seem to come under control and always looks like she stuck her finger in an electrical socket.
  •  Squirrel – That girl with a large handbag who hoards all sorts of stuff in it like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter.
  •  Ducky – Whenever a camera is pointed at her, she can’t help but make that pursed-lips kissy face, you’ve joked it makes her look ready to quack!
  •  Cutie patootie – For that friend who’s just so cute, it’s silly.

Girls’ Nicknames That Are Sure to Turn Heads

If you’re looking for sexy girl names, here are some suggestions.

  • Amorcita
  • Angel Legs
  • Aphrodite
  • Baby Girl
  • Beautiful
  • Beauty
  • Bella
  • Bonita
  • Bubble Butt
  • Bubbles
  • Butter Butt
  • Butterfly
  • Buxom
  • Catwoman
  • Cowgirl
  • Curvy
  • Daisy
  • Damsel
  • Double Trouble
  • Duchess
  • Enchantress
  • Goddess
  • Honey Buns
  • Honeypot
  • Hot Bod
  • Hot Butt
  • Hot Mama
  • Hot Potato
  • Hot Sauce
  • Hot Thing
  • Hurricane
  • Juicy
  • Kitty
  • Lady Bug
  • Lioness
  • Lip Smacker
  • Little Mama
  • Lolita
  • Lollipop
  • Love Muffin
  • Love on Fire
  • Lovebug
  • Lover Girl
  • Lovey Butt
  • Mamacita
  • Munchkin
  • Perky
  • Pretty Lady
  • Pretty
  • Princesa
  • Princess
  • Principessa
  • Pumpkin
  • Pussycat
  • Red-Hot Bon Bon
  • Rose
  • Saddle
  • Scarlet
  • Señorita
  • Sex Enchantress
  • Sex Witch
  • Sexy Lady
  • Sexy Mama
  • Sugar Mama
  • Sugar Plum
  • Supergirl
  • Sweet Peach
  • Temptress
  • Tigress
  • Tiny One
  • Toots
  • Tootsie Roll
  • Tootsie
  • Wonder Girl
  • Wonder Woman

Read: 1500+ Funny Nicknames for Friends


Indian Nicknames for girl best friends

  • Akka
  • Choti
  • Gudiya
  • GunGun
  • Moti
  • Anmol
  • Behen
  • Nanhi
  • Kanha
  • Pari
  • Nikki
  • Bao
  • Gopu
  • Rick
  • Babli
  • Aabharana
  • Taara
  • Chutki
  • Jaanu
  • Maahi
  • Begum
  • Nautanki
  • Paheli
  • Pillu
  • Gilli
  • Gappi
  • Aanya
  • Bewdi
  • Danika
  • Gundi
  • Toasty
  • Pihu
  • Nazuk kali
  • Chand
  • Kuhu
  • Gauri
  • Bukhad
  • Aadarsha
  • Gulabo
  • Dolly
  • Mahjaabi
  • Pagli
  • Shonu
  • Cashew
  • Betoo
  • Mehbooba
  • Tara
  • tanu
  • Chikoo
  • Billu
  • Rini
  • Echo
  • Tweetee
  • Bulbul
  • Bittu
  • Haseena
  • Vicky
  • Duggu
  • Inaayat
  • Soniye
  • Pari
  • Piya
  • Piku
  • Ura
  • Dilruba

Funny nicknames for girl’s best friends

  • Chicken Legs
  • Panda
  • Copycat
  • Troubler
  • Kiddo
  • Sumo
  • Smarty
  • Trumps
  • Scout
  • Mowgli
  • MJ
  • Punk
  • Mickey
  • Gump
  • Danger
  • Giggles
  • Slow-mo
  • Squirrel
  • Teeny
  • Firecracker
  • Minion
  • Nutcracker
  • Radish
  • Voodoo
  • Charmer
  • Egghead
  • Lala
  • Funny Hunny
  • Crimples
  • Sweet ‘n Sour
  • Bugs
  • Bubba
  • Bruh
  • Shifu
  • Hot Sauce
  • Oompa Loompa

Your girlfriend deserves a nickname that reminds her that she is special. Explore as many of the names provided as possible. Good luck!

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