Easy Way To Start a Makeup Business In Nigeria

Listed below is the easiest and most complete guide on how you can start a makeup business in Nigeria and groom it into a successful one.

Makeup business in Nigeria is a great way to earn a living. In Nigeria, unemployment is at an all-time high, but the need for makeup will never go out of demand. Nigerian women love to look good and beautiful on different occasions.

Providing the service of a makeup artist is an excellent way of becoming financially independent.

Easy Way To Start a Makeup Business In Nigeria

Why start a makeup business in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, the makeup business is common among female entrepreneurs; over the last five years. The entire global beauty industry, to which the makeup business belongs, is worth $532 billion.

Today, Nigerian makeup artists are embracing innovation and are creating their makeup line, like House of Tara, Zaron cosmetics and others.  It is an excellent way of keying into the growth of the beauty industry.

As a makeup business owner in Nigeria, you have the added advantage of flexibility, working at your own time. Communicate with customers directly and fixing a working hour that will suit the growth of your business.

Makeup artist skillsets are in massive demand in the entertainment, hospitality and wedding industry. These industries won’t function in their best capacities without makeup artists.

So what is the easiest way to start a makeup business in Nigeria?

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The skills required to become a makeup artist

If you want to start a successful makeup business in Nigeria and become a makeup artist, you will need to consider three key factors. However, If you have no makeup skills, the first step you should take is to go for Makeup skill acquisition. After that, or if you have already acquired the skill, then continue in checking out the three key factors to starting a successful makeup business here;

Passion and determination

You will need  passion to start a makeup business in Nigeria. Passion will enable you to have the courage to succeed. It will fuel your creativity and will allow you to be unique and innovative. It will enable you to feel excited about establishing your business and gives you perseverance and grit.

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Great communication skills

For your makeup business to be customer-centred, you will need to possess the ability to communicate effectively. That will allow you to synergize between your potential clients and yourself so that you can satisfy their needs.


Makeup business, especially in Nigeria, is about instilling a sense of confidence and pride in your customers. But you need to have self-confidence in yourself and your abilities in the first place. A lot of mishaps or undesirables may happen in the world of an entrepreneur. Still, your ability to remain confident and positive will lead your makeup business to a greater height.

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Starting your makeup business in Nigeria

The steps to creating your makeup business in Nigeria include:

  • Doing a lot of research on how to succeed as an entrepreneur. Good books like ‘The Lean Startup’ by Eric Ries or  ‘The E-Myth Revisited’ by Michael E. Gerber or ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie will be of excellent help.
  • Registering your Makeup business with the Nigerian government through the corporate affairs commission and getting your corporate affairs commission registration number.
  • The makeup business is a highly aesthetic one. So, the best way to appeal to potential customers is through the use of pictures. It is an excellent way to build your portfolio. Take a lot of beautiful photos of the work you have done so far.
  • Understand the intricacies of fixing prices. Do not charge too high or too little. Do your findings by contacting other makeup businesses in Nigeria.
  • Build a website that will advertise your services to the world. It could be pretty much essential and straightforward. Let it be clear, merely navigable and informative. Use pictures to communicate with your potential customers and connect it with social media accounts to keep your business online.
  • In Nigeria, makeup businesses usually require a lot of tools and utility. They are the bedrock of the business. Purchase the best quality eyeliners, foundations, mascara and lipstick etc. Ensure you have all the necessary tools to give your makeup business an air of professionalism.
  • Makeup businesses in Nigeria are not usually stationed in one location. They could work in a wedding ceremony, at home, in a customer’s home, in a movie studio etc. Be mobile and flexible.
  • Networking is essential for the the makeup business, like any other business in Nigeria. Get the right people and connect with everyone; don’t be shy to put a word out there wherever you find yourself.
  • Have a big plan or aspiration that will drive the vision for your makeup business.

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How Much Does It Cost in Nigeria to Start a Makeup Business?

You need between 50,000 and 150,000 Naira to launch a successful small makeup business in Nigeria. This sum covers the price of basic cosmetics accessories.

A medium-sized makeup company, however, would cost between 350,000 and 1 million.  This sum covers the price of leasing a shop, purchasing expert kits, and other running expenses.

What tools do you need to be a makeup artist?

This will change depending on which field of makeup you choose to explore. And since you don’t know what’s available yet, you won’t even know what that is until you start working. However, for a start, you will need:

  • A nice cosmetics bag.
  • A decent portable light.
  • Top-notch sponges and brushes for makeup.
  • High-quality concealer and foundation.
  • Eyeshadow palette with pigment.
  • Contouring Powder.
  • Blushes and bronzer.
  • Stainless Steel Tweezers, a Spatula, and Scissors.
  • Disposable Alcohol.
  • brush and sponge cleaner.
  • Lipstick collection.
  • Dry facial tissues, cotton swabs, wet wipes, a good Setting Spray, your makeup portfolio etc.

Again, for the initial collection, stick to basics and naturals.

That’s all.

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