Contact Linda Ikeji | Latest Update

Linda Ikeji is Nigeria’s most popular blogger and has made a fortune from blogging since she created her blog – Lindaikejiblog. Come with us as we guide you on how to contact Linda Ikeji.

Contact Linda Ikeji

Linda Ikeji blog is, visited by thousands of Nigeria daily for the latest gossip gist, information, and entertainment stories, and she once made the Forbes list of the 20 most prominent Africa women.

Linda Ikeji hails from Nkwerre, Imo State, Nigeria. She is the second child in a Catholic family of seven children. She was born on September 19, 2020. Due to the fact that she was born with writing skills, she started writing at age 10.

Having completed her secondary education at age 17, she gained admission into the University of Lagos where she didn’t just study any course but English Language, and of course, you know that for a writer, English was the best choice.

While in school, she took up part-time jobs like modeling, writing, and a waitress job to sustain herself and as well assist her siblings as her financial strength permitted.

Every good thing they say does not come easy. Linda Ikeji’s blog has had to face both sweet and bitter moments. One such painful moment is when her blog was shut down by Google on October 8, 2014, although it was restored two days after.

Also, such sweet moments are when she was recognized as one out of the 20 African most prominent women by Forbes. Her name was said to have been the most searched item by Nigerian Google users.

As of 2019, Linda Ikeji’s net worth was $40 million (₦14.5 billion), but unfortunately, there are few Nigerians who have not heard of Linda Ikeji or visited her blog, and some of her controversial engagement had even made her more famous than before.

Linda Ikeji’s blog has been a trusted platform for Nigerians to get first-hand celebrity gist, and her sources have been tasked to deliver authentic and genuine gist.

Linda Ikeji has used her career as a blogger to empower women through her charity campaign “I’d rather be self-made” which has helped young women to fund their business idea.

There are so many reasons one may want to reach out to Linda Ikeji, as she has become very popular and influential both on the internet and in the society, so in this article, we are going to be sharing ways through which you can contact Linda Ikeji.

Contact Linda Ikeji Directly:

Below is the personal Contact details for Linda Ikeji Blog:

For Advert Inquiries Contact her using any of these:
Telephone Linda Ikeji: 08163941957
Email: [email protected]For News/Tip-Off
Email: [email protected]

Commenting on her blog:

this is the easiest way to reach out to Linda Ikeji depending on how important the issue you want to pass out to her.

You can reach her by commenting on her blog on topics you feel you want to share your impact, and she or her team might get back to you depending on your comment.

Your comment on her blog will have to pass through her group for scrutiny before it is posted in her blog’s comment section.

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Contact Linda Ikeji On Social Media Platforms:

Linda Ikeji is very active on most of the popular social media platforms, and you can contact Linda Ikeji through any of these platforms.

Linda Ikeji is on Instagram, where she has over 1.2 million followers, and you can reach her through her handle @officiallindaikeji. You can also contact her through her Twitter platform @lindaikeji with over 1.6 million followers, and she regularly tweets to her followers.

Linda Ikeji also has her Facebook page with over 300 thousand likes and her YouTube channels with over 12 thousand subscribers, but her main social project is her social network

You can reach her through emails:

in case you want to contact Linda Ikeji on a personal note, you probably wish to share an idea or discuss business; you can contact her through her personal email address [email protected].

She also has a business address where you can reach her through her associate that handles her business: [email protected] and [email protected]

Visit Her Office:

You can also reach out to Linda Ikeji by visiting her office, which is located at Plot 29 Busola Durusimi Etti Dr Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria.

The office has a recording studio. VIP lounge, cafeteria, training centre and so much more. She has over a hundred people working directly and indirectly for her, and it is a great place to work as they seek young and active people to add to their workforce.

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