Anorexia Before and After – Photos

Are you or any of your loved ones diagnosed with anorexia? You have nothing to fear. You, too, can come out of it.

In this “Anorexia before and after” article, you will see evidence of people who were diagnosed but made it through. Please read on.

Anorexia Before And After

Anorexia Before And After

What is anorexia?

Anorexia is simply an eating disorder that leaves people much more concerned about what they eat, which affects their weight. It begins mostly with the fear of getting overweight.
It is characterised by distorted body shapes and looks. This might be due to either excessive exercise with very little or no food consumption or deliberate starvation.

Note that anorexia:

  • Can be treated by a medical professional

  • Does not require any form of laboratory test or imaging.

  • It is chronic and can last for years or be lifelong

  • Usually self-diagnosable

Symptoms of Anorexia

The symptoms vary from weight to the physical appearance and other body’s internal functioning.

1. Whole-body

Dehydration, dizziness, fainting, fatigue, low blood pressure, low body temperature, osteoporosis, water-electrolyte imbalance, or feeling cold.

2. Weight

Underweight, weight loss, or extreme weight loss and thinness

3. Mood

Anxiety, apprehension, or guilt

4. Menstrual

A female patient of anorexia may experience irregular menstruation or absence of menstruation

5. Behavioural

Binge eating, compulsive behaviour, hyperactivity, impulsivity, or social isolation.

6. Developmental

Delayed puberty or slow growth.

7. Gastrointestinal

Constipation or vomiting.

8. Physical appearance

Brittle nails, bruise, cold sensitivity, depression, dry hair, dry skin and headaches.

Some Photos of Anorexia Before And After

Anorexia is definitely not a death sentence. A lot of people have won the fight against it and are still fighting against it. Below is some proof of those who truly made it and recovered from anorexia.

1. Elle Lietzow

Elle Lietzow said no to food for a week; not even a drop of water had access to her mouth. It ended in a week’s time after she collapsed from a seizure and was rushed to the hospital.

Elle Lietzow Refused To Let Even A Drop Of Water Touch Her Lips. After A Week, She Collapsed With A Seizure And Was Rushed To Hospital

2. Matthew Booth

Matthew Booth was rushed to hospital when his health got to its worst state. Although he was lifeless for 20 minutes, his life was saved.

Matthew Booth 'Died' For 20 Minutes When He Was Rushed To Hospital And It Saved His Life

3. Linn Strömberg

Linn Strömberg survived on just 400 Calories. This was not good for her as she suffered a heart attack before going on a weight-lifting exercise.

Linn Strömberg, 23, Survived On Just 400 Calories A Day And Was In Danger Of Suffering A Heart Attack Before Taking Up Weightlifting

4. Unnamed Woman

Anorexia conquered at 60! Age is obviously not a barrier to recovery.

60 Is The New Black! Recovery At Any Age

5. Danny Walsh

Danny Walsh’s anorexia was due to his obsession with Football.

Danny Walsh Slipped Into The Grip Of Anorexia After Becoming Obsessive Over Football, Training To Be The Best Player He Could Be But Within Four Months He Managed To Beat The Illness And Gain Weight

6. Unnamed

Happy anorexia victim who conquered.

"No More Fear... Of Doing Or Wearing Anything That Might Make Me Look Less Than Perfect To Anyone Who Might Be Looking At Me"

7. Kaitlyn Davidson

Don’t give up too soon! Kaitlyn Davidson’s Weight was below 37kg, but she recovered anyways.

Kaitlyn Davidson Once Weighed Less Than 37kg And Has Made A Remarkable Recovery

8. Tremendous recovery!

Epic Transformation

9. From 31kg To 50kg, this is indeed a progressive recovery.

Anorexia Recovery Progress - 31kg To 50kg

10. Jodie-Leigh Neil

Jodie-Leigh Neil’s eating disorder developed after losing her friend in a brutal accident. She made her choice when she was asked to either recover or be ready to die.

Jodie-Leigh Neil Developed An Eating Disorder After Her Best Friend Died In A Tragic Accident. She Was Told To Recover Or She'd Die

11. A recovery worth celebrating.

13. Another evidence of great hope for recovery from anorexia

Photo Speaks A Thousand Words

14. Bulimia

Bulimia is extremely happy after recovering from a 4years anorexia.

After 4 Years, I've Conquered Anorexia, Bulimia And EDNOS. I'm Twice My Weight And More Than Twice As Happy

15. Anorexia before and after.

Hayley Wilde Suffered With Anorexia And Was Given Just 10 Days To Live, But She Went On To Become Pregnant And Have A Baby Son

16. From thin to thick.

Then And Now

17. Recovery From Anorexia

Recovery From Anorexia

18. Sophie Gajnik

Sophie Gajnik can now lift four times her former anorexic self

My Before-After Photos. 1 Year Apart

19. Recovery after 10 years of battling anorexia.

Recovery After 10 Years Of Struggle

20. Another Testimony

It always seemed impossible to get healthy, but I made it!

It Always Seemed Impossible To Get Healthy But I Made It

21. Mariah Setta

Mariah Setta’s weight reduced to 48 Kilos due to very poor eating habits. Things got better for her when she decided to improve o her eating habit.

What An Incredible Change: Mariah Setta, Whose Weight Plummeted To 48 Kilos As She Battled A Crippling Eating Disorder, Shares Before And After Pictures

22. Before And After Recovery

Before And After Recovery

23. 60lbs To 85lbs ( recovery in 5 months)

60lbs To 85lbs In About 5.5 Months

24. Transformation!

Stunning Transformation

25. Gemma Walker

Gemma Walker was already on the verge of death ( in fact, she was given just 48 hours to live). Her father would check up on her every morning just to be sure she was breathing.

Top 4 Signs of Anorexia

1. Purging for Weight Control

Frequent bowel movements characterise anorexia. Excessive usage of enemas or diuretics, as well as self-induced vomiting, are all examples of purging habits. Stimulant laxatives may also be used.

Binge eating/purging anorexia is marked by periods of compulsive eating accompanied by self-induced vomiting.

Another method of purging is to take a lot of laxatives. These drugs are used to slow down food digestion and help accelerate the clearing of the stomach and bowels.

On the other hand, diuretics are frequently taken to stimulate urine and reduce body water to lose weight.

2. Obsession With Food, Calories and Dieting

Anorexia is characterised by a persistent dread for food and rigorous checking of calorie consumption.

Anorexics may keep track of every piece of food they eat, including water. They even jot down the calorie content in food occasionally.

Obsessions with food are worsened by fear of gaining weight. Anorexics may drastically reduce their calorie intake and adhere to strict dieting. Some people will cut off specific foods or complete food categories from their diet, such as carbs or fats.

Long-term food restrictions can result in serious malnutrition and vitamin shortages, which can cause depression and promote compulsive behaviour around food.

3. Mood and Emotional State Changes

Anorexia patients typically display signs of sadness, nervousness, restlessness, perfectionism, and irritability.

These symptoms might make it difficult for people with anorexia to engage in activities that are ordinarily pleasant for others.

Anorexia is also associated with a lack of self-control. This trait is demonstrated by restricting food consumption in order to lose weight.

Anorexics may also become extremely sensitive to judgment, humiliation, and errors.

4. Body Image Problems

Anorexics are always preoccupied with their body shape and beauty.

Body image refers to a person’s assessment of their own body size and how they feel about it.

Anorexia is defined by a poor body image and sentiments about one’s personal appearance.

How do I prevent Anorexia?

Anorexia is a dangerous health disorder that damages one’s health, self-esteem and self-worth.

It usually occurs at a young age, between the ages of 13 and 26 years.

Both males and females suffer from anorexia. It affects people, regardless of their societal status, gender, age, and race.

It is important to prevent anorexia because it has tendencies to destroy a person.

Anorexia nervosa makes a person not eat at all. People living with anorexia may aim to have a slender figure but instead end up malnourished, dangerously thin, and with organ damage.

There are some signs that show that one is anorexic. These signs may include avoiding meals, obsession with weight-watching, frequent usage of laxatives, limiting social interaction that may involve food etc.

A good way of preventing anorexia is by embracing a healthy attitude and lifestyle about body shape and weight.

How to Fight Anorexia

Here are some good ways of preventing anorexia:

  • First of all, eliminate the idea that a particular weight or body shape or diet will lead to instant fulfilment and happiness. Being extremely thin is not all there is to a person.
  • Secondly, ensure you do extensive research about anorexia and other eating disorders. The right awareness and enlightenment will dispel the tendency to make invalid judgements or adopt the wrong attitudes about weight, body shape and food. This will also help you understand the symptoms of anorexia, so you can detect the symptom early and seek help.
  • Also, strive as much as possible to dispel the false notion that being extremely thin and losing weight is ideal and fatness and weight gain is a sign of being bad or lazy or shameful or horrible. If you believe this, meet a therapist or counsellor to analyse the cause of those erroneous beliefs and the reasons for adopting them.
  • In addition, don’t categorise food as bad, good, dangerous or safe. Eating a balanced diet will ensure good health. Enjoy all types of food in moderation.
  • Furthermore, never judge others solely because of how they look or their weight. Dispel the notion in your mind that tries to link someone’s weight or shape to their behaviour, personality, self-worth or value.
  • Ensure you watch movies, talk shows, movies, advertisements and other forms of media that spread the idea of positive body images. Don’t be tempted to assume the images you see on TV is the one you should strive to attain.
  • Moreover, your values in life should revolve around your talents, behaviour, achievements and goals, not body weight and shape.
  • Finally, if you know someone who has anorexia, show concern in a very straightforward, sincere and caring way. Assertively but gently persuade that person to seek professional assistance. The same goes for you; if you have anorexia, ensure you seek professional help or eating rehabilitation.

As you have seen, anyone can recover from anorexia. Take the right steps and see the transformation that will follow.

Anorexia Before and After FAQ

What defines an anorexic person?

According to the DSM-5, anorexia nervosa fits three criteria.

1. Limiting consumption of calories, which causes weight loss.

2. Extreme anxiety about gaining weight or getting fat.

3. Inability to gain weight

What are the top five symptoms of anorexia?

  • You’re underweight because you don’t eat enough.
  • Your body image affects how secure you feel about yourself.
  • You are frightened of gaining weight and are concerned about it.
  • You have a hard time staying asleep throughout the night.
  • Lightheadedness or fainting.

How long does anorexia typically last?

According to Australian research, the average length of anorexia is 8 years, but the average length of bulimia is 5 years. These diseases can, however, deteriorate into chronic and severe diseases that continue for many years and have a severely devastating effect on the patients and their families.

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