Most Meaningful But Funny African Proverbs

Proverbs are wise sayings, coughed up by the elders especially in African settings to advice or serve as a moral compass, but today’s proverbs will explore the funny African proverbs that will provoke laughter.

funny and meaningful african proverbs

Most Meaningful But Funny African Proverbs

  • Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers. (-Uganda)

  • Don’t mistake a short man for a boy. (-Nigeria)

  • He who has diarrhea knows the direction of the door without being told. (-Uganda)

  • Just because you have been stung by a bee doesn’t mean you destroy all beehives. (-Kenya)

  • A boy perched on a tree sees what an old man sees seated on a stool. (-West Africa)

  • The sun that melts wax dries clay. (-Niger)

  • He who runs alone celebrates. (-Kenya)

  • Anger, no matter how hot it is, can never cook yam. (-Nigeria)

  • You have to be careful to kill a fly that is perched on your scrotum. (-Ghana)

  • If the throat can swallow a knife, the anus must find a way of expelling it. (-Africa)

  • A goat’s frown cannot stop it from being taken to the market. (-Nigeria)

  • Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald. (-East Africa)

  • It is okay for a child to play with the mother’s breasts, but not the father’s testicles. (-Guinea)

  • If you are ugly, you must learn to dance or to make love.

  • The anus doesn’t teach the mouth the sweetness of food.

  • The brightness of the day can never determine if a blind man can direct his meal into his mouth.

  • No matter how hot your anger may be, it cannot cook. (-Lesotho)

  • A person does not dispute it when the chair on which the person is sitting says the person has farted.

  • A monkey that eats grass instead of banana is a goat. (-Africa)

  • However much the buttocks are in a hurry, they will always remain at the back. (-Africa)

  • Shit will smell, no matter how small. (-Gambia)

  • You cannot run and scratch your ass at the same time. (-Ethiopia)

  • Only a fool who doesn’t see the promises on the flat chest of a young woman.

Thank you for reading through this wonderful proverbs, hope you’ve learnt so many lessons from here.

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