The 40 NYSC CDS Groups – How Many do You Know?


If you are a serving corp member, you might feel you know all there is to know about the entire CDS group in the NYSC. It is easy to make such an assumption because, in your place of deployment, there is a likelihood that there would be only be about 5 to 10 CDS. Would you be surprised if I told you there are about 40 or more CDS groups in NYSC?  I was surprised to find so many CDS groups with different unique and strange but beautiful names.

Today, I will be going through several of these groups with you. I will be highlighting each with a brief detail about them. In other articles, as I have started already, I would then give much larger details of each CDS.

nysc cds groups


Here is a list of NYSC CDS groups found around different local government areas. These are arranged in alphabetical order.


Adult Literacy

This CDS group basically embarks on teaching married and unmarried adults who cannot speak, read and write the English language well in their host community. The CDS group is predominant in rural areas.



The anti-HIV/AIDS group is fully involved in teaching its community on how to stay free from the risky and deadly sexually transmitted disease of our century, HIV/AIDS. It has on its foremost desire to see a society free from the menace of HIV and AIDS.


Anti-Boko Haram

This particular CDS group is suitable and available at the northern areas of the country where the attack of Boko Haram is strong. The purpose of this CDS group is to educate its host community on personal security measures that can be taken during violent attacks. This also includes sensitizing them on how they talk, who to call and where to run to when necessary.



The Beautification CDS group, as the name implies, is where corp members work towards improving the aesthetic look of their host community environs. This might include carrying out simple or costly projects to beautify the environment.


Construction & Maintenance

Construction and maintenance is a CDS group that usually pits together corp members who studied engineering mostly. The essence is see them use some of their little acquired knowledge in building, constructing and maintaining better roads and housing structures in the community.



The drama CDS group usually starts from the orientation camp where most of the corp members who participated in the drama and likely performed well are pushed to the city area, and then later placed in the drama CDS group. They are more involved in performing dramas around in their host community.

Drug Free Club

This CDS group is more involved in fighting the increasing rate of drug abuse especially among youths in our community. This CDS group is usually found in large cities where drug is likely a common to be a way of life in the area. They work at sensitizing the younger ones to avoid taking up such course.



This group is much like the drug free CDS group. The drug & Anti cult group is on a mission to achieve a free cult society and the drug free idea. It helps the community to see the evil or the negative effect of living in a drug or cultist life style.


Education & Charity

The education and charity CDS group is like a merge of two CDS’s. Its members is involved in educating and sensitizing the community on the importance of education and then voluntarily offering them materials in the form of books, libraries, schools etc as a way of donating back to their society as charity.


Farm & Agric

Farms and Agric CDS groups are found mostly in the rural areas. They seem to be the most tedious kind of CDS group where corp members are expected to be involved in a lot of farming and agricultural activities as well as teaching the society on how to improve on their farming system with modern way of farming.



This CDS group is usually found only in Ibadan. Somehow the corp members, who are mostly those who read French as course in school, try to teach the school kids and others in the community a bit of French and the need to develop another language.


FRSC – Federal Road Safety Corp

The work hand in hand with the road safety commission in traffic control, helping drivers and educating drivers and cyclist on safe road transport, and helping in the keeping the road safe for all drivers, passengers and pedestrians alike.


Gender Desk Office

This CDS group is usually found in the city area. They are involved in educating their community on the value of all genders whether male or female and avoid any kind of discrimination against any party.



This CDS is basically for medical students. Here these corp members find ways to educate their community on matters of health.



The ICPC while I have forgotten the full meaning of the acronym, the CDS group is involved in fighting to curb corruption in the country, by helping their host community through educating and sensitizing them on the effects of corruption.


Well, looks like I would stop here for today. I would go on with the list next time. I hope you would be here to follow your No. 1 favorite NYSC portal. We are blessed to always have you. Have a nice day!

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