Day Off Request Letter: Writing Tips and Samples

Day off request letter should be written when you need to request an absence from a job or any other event that would normally demand your presence.

Consider the following scenario: You have a job that operates from Monday through Saturday. Your sister is getting married, and you have been chosen as the chief bridesmaid. You must submit a formal day(s) off request letter to your supervisor or HR manager explaining when and why you won’t be in the office.

Day Off Request Letter: Writing Tips and Samples

This type of letter, however, falls within the category known as “request letters.” Request letters should be concise and to the point; don’t include any extraneous details that could dilute the message. Explain what you need and why you need it.

Keep the letter’s tone pleasant and professional at all times. At the end of the letter, say how much you appreciate the recipient’s time and effort and how grateful you are for his or her attention.

Again, the letter requesting time off can be formal or semi-formal. So, either structure is fine to utilise.

Note: Remember to present your letter of request to your supervisor or HR manager beforehand, allowing him/her to consider it carefully and hopefully see the value in granting your request.

Also check: How to Endorse a Check Correctly without any Mistake

Tips for Writing a Day Off Request Letter

Before you plan to write a day off request letter, here are the things you need to consider and do:

01. Review your company’s PTO policy:

You need to review your company’s PTO policy. Some companies have specific request policies, such as taking a set number of days in a row off. So it would be of great help to you if you could look at your company’s vacation policy.

For example, I once worked for a company that gives two days off by request to its staff every month. Meaning that as a staff member of the company, you can request a day off two times every month if you wish to.

02. Check your company’s calendar:

After reviewing your company’s PTO policy, the next thing you should do is check the company calendar. If your request is flexible, know if the days you want to take off won’t conflict with its events.

Also, consider requesting time off when you don’t have many tasks or projects to complete. In this case, you can ask your employer what the best time is if you are unsure.

03. Discuss your request at an appropriate time:

Yes, it’s good to discuss this with your HR manager or supervisor whenever you know that he/she is always chanced. That’s if you want to request it in person.

However, to increase the chance of getting your request approved, let me tell you what I always do, which I believe will also work for you.

One of these tricks is to come very early to work that day (the day you want to make your request or submit your request letter) and concentrate on finishing your task, and sometimes you exceed your task limit for the day. After you finish your task for the day, you can then ask for your day off.

04. Ask rather than tell:

Since your manager will most likely need to approve your request, ask them if the time you’ve selected for vacation is acceptable rather than telling them you’re taking time off.

When making your request, you can mention that you planned your vacation when it would not affect your team and tell them if you’re available to answer questions while you’re away.

05. Write a Brief Letter:

As stated earlier, it’s always good to offer brief details when writing a day off request letter. So, telling your manager the reasons for your PTO request is unnecessary unless you’re planning to take extended time away from your job.

06. Use the appropriate format to send your day off request:

In this case, you have to know the correct way to ask for time off before you make your request.

Some firms may require a written statement, while others may accept in-person requests, or the firm may have an online timekeeping portal in which you’ll need to submit your request. So, whatever the case may be, try using the correct format when planning for this.

Another thing you have to know when planning to request is: “How many weeks will it take the firm to review your request before giving you approval?” With this, you will know if you will send your request one or two months ahead, two weeks ahead, and so on.

Importantly, ensure you prepare a plan on how work will be handled in your absence (who will do what). This is the most important thing you need to do.

Benefits of Writing a Day Off Request Letter

Writing a concise and detailed day-off request letter to your boss will benefit both you and your team. The benefits include:

01. Improves your chances:

If you ask your boss for time off later rather than sooner, there’s a higher chance that they’ll reject your request. With such a short time window, they likely won’t be able to delegate your tasks to another team member.

Your supervisor also likely won’t appreciate the short notice you’ve given them.

If you had instead asked for time off ahead of time in a direct and friendly manner, most individuals would feel bad turning down such a request.

02. Reduce the amount of work your team has to do:

Just because you’re not at the workplace doesn’t mean someone else won’t be responsible for your tasks. Your team can divide your tasks adequately if you inform them beforehand about your day(s) off.

If you suddenly take a day off, one or two members of the team may be compelled to take over all of your tasks. It’s best to prevent such a situation, both for their sake and for the sake of your future engagement with them.

03. Documentation:

It’s essential to keep a record of any approvals you obtain at work. Things might go wrong at any time, and you wouldn’t want to be in a situation where your word is being tested against someone else’s.

Having written documentation that your day off was authorised is simply a reasonable precaution to take to avoid any potential issues.

04. Has a positive impact on your career path:

A vital aspect of building one’s professional and interpersonal image is submitting a good day off request.

When the time comes to give bonuses and raises, your manager will recall your unwavering regard for others. In the event of a potential reference check, you want this to be a good thing that your former employer can point out.

However, failing to inform your employer of your intention to take the day off can lead to negative consequences like a sack or suspension.

How to Write a Day Off Request Letter

Here are the measures to guide you along:

01. Don’t Be Ambiguous:

Be specific about the day you wish to take off.

Consider the following scenario:

Weak: Is it possible for me to take a day off at the month’s end?

Strong: Is it possible for me to take a vacation on January 23?

If your workplace enables you to utilise holiday or sickness absence for non-emergency healthcare consultations, make a note of it.


I’d like to call in sick on June 25 to see an ophthalmologist.

I’d want to take a vacation day on July 9.

While you are not required to inform your manager why you are requesting a day off, if you have a time-sensitive or personal need to attend to, you may find it very easy to have the request granted.


My patio repair is only free on this day this month.

My son is giving his first solo performance in a musical.

An old friend is visiting for the week.

Again, without getting into too much detail, you can also seek a “personal day.”

02. Be respectful of your colleagues:

If you can show how your leave will not affect performance or the workplace, you are more certain to be given buy-in or the day off. Where applicable, include a line describing how your work will be handled.


I’ve already completed the Morrison printing, so there’s no need to bother about proofreading any more papers.

I’m several days earlier than scheduled on the latest software explanatory clip, so I’m not worried about going behind.

Peter and Nancy will also be at the studio that same day and should be able to manage the phones.

Jennifer has agreed to answer my customer’s calls for the rest of the day.

If possible, avoid taking the day off if you’re on a strict timeline or when other employees are absent, leaving your employer understaffed. Not only will your employer applaud your thoughtfulness, but so will your coworkers.

03. Take the appropriate actions:

Many workplaces have policies in place for requesting and approving days off, so if your boss is strict, consult the company policy before preparing your letter.

There could be a priority as to how far in advance you should submit your request or a restriction on requesting time off during peak seasons or summer vacations, for example.

For instance, if you work as a financial planner, April 14 is unlikely to be allowed, and if you distribute goods for a delivery company, December 24 is also improbable. Taking appropriate actions will increase your chances of receiving a day off from work.

04. Send your email to the appropriate people:

Ensure you’re writing to the appropriate personnel. You wouldn’t want your day off request letter to get misplaced or ignored. This could be a supervisor, programme director, human resource manager, or, in the case of a small business, your actual employer.

If the person you’re asking for a day off has an aide or secretary, include them in the letter so your request doesn’t get lost along the way.

Essential Details to Include in a Formal Day Off Request Letter

As soon as you have met with your supervisor, manager, or rep, draft a formal day off request letter and ensure you include the following details in the letter:

  • The reason for the need to take a day off
  • The specific date or day you intend to take the day off and the date or day you intend to return.
  • It will be helpful to list any job-related responsibilities you will assist in. This will help prepare for your departure. These responsibilities can range from training to instructions to the documentation of instructions.
  • A request for support from your superior throughout your period of absence
  • A professional statement, closing on an expectant note For instance, “Thank you for considering my request for a leave.

Unnecessary Details to Exclude from a Formal Day Off Request Letter

When you request a day off from work for any reason, whether personal or medical, it is unnecessary to include personal details.

This might differ if the approval for a day off depends on access to medical information. But using ‘personal leave‘ or ‘medical leave‘ as the letter’s subject is all that is needed.

Sometimes, your company may require an additional validation letter from a medical representative or health expert.

Day Off Request Letter Samples

Here are some helpful examples to guide you when requesting a day off in writing:

Sample Email Template:

Email Subject: [summarize the intention of the request, requested date(s) – your name]

Dear [Manager’s or Employer’s name],

I would like to kindly ask for one day off on [Exact date] because [reason(s)].

Mr./Mrs./Miss [colleague’s name] will cover for me on that day.

Please count this day against my annual leave balance.

Thank you,
[Your name]

Email Example 1:

Email Subject: Vacation Request June 26-30 – Donald Dickson

Dear Ayo,

I have five vacation days available and would like to use these at the end of June. My Wife and I would like to plan a trip to London. Would it be OK to use my vacation days from June 26-30? I looked at our team schedule, and I should be able to finish reviewing the escrow records by then. I can be available by email during my vacation for quick questions. Let me know if you’d like to discuss it in person this week.

Thank you,
Donald Dickson

Email Example 2:

Email Subject: Vacation Request July 29-30 – Paul Gall

Dear Sarah,

I’m writing this email to formally request two days off from Tuesday, July 29, to Wednesday, July 30. I will return to the office on Thursday, July 31.

As discussed last week, I am working hard to complete all my duties before leaving. I know that our project deadline is in August, so I finished most of my upcoming tasks beforehand to avoid setting us behind schedule.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. My work email is [email protected], and my phone number is (555) 777 9293.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best Regards,
Paul Gall

Sample Letter Template:

[Your Address]
[State, ZIP Code]

[Letter Date]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]

[Subject: Summarize the intention of the request letter (usually bold)]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I want to request a day off of work on [date]. You can count on me to be available for work after that date.

The reason is that [reason(s)].

I sincerely hope you will consider my request, and I await your response. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
[Your Signature]
[Your Name]
[Your Title – Optional]

[Enclosures: number and/or email – Optional]
cc: [Name of copy recipient – Optional]

Also see: NYSC Request Letter Format

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