Urhobo Names And Meaning

The Urhobos are located in the southern part of Nigeria, and they are predominantly in Delta State – Urhobo Names And Meaning. 

The Urhobos, who are a part of the Niger Delta region, are predominately known for their occupation as farmers. In this article, we are going to list out some Urhobos name and their meaning:

Great Urhobo Names for Boys

Check out: Hausa Names and Meaning

AkpenvwogheneAkpenvwePraise God
AnaborhiNaborhiBorn with good destiny
EdeworDeworTraditional religion sacred day of worship
EjirogheneEjiroPraise God
EjokparogheneOghene, JokpaLet us trust in God
EjomafuvweJomafu, JomafuvweLet peace reign in my life
ErhiaganomaErhi, RhiaganomaGod overpowers the body
ErhimeyomaOyomaMy God is good
ErhinyojaRhinyoja, onyojaGod meets our challenges/ hears our prayers
ErhinyuseUseGod answers prayers
ErhiogheneErhi, OgeneThe spirit of God
EseogheneEseGod’s gift
EserovweOvwe, EseGod’s grace/ Free gift
OghenebrumeBrumeGod decided in my favour
OghenechovweChovwe, OgheneGod aided me
OghenefejiroOfejiro, Ejiro,OgheneGod is praiseworthy
OghenegarenGaren, OgeneGod is great
OghenekevweKevwe, OgheneGod gave me
OghenekohwoOghene, KohwoGod provides
OghenemeOme, OgheneMy God
OghenemineMimi, MineI look up to God
OghenenyoreNyore, OgheneGod answers prayers
OgheneruemuOgheneGod makes all things possible
OghenerukevweRukevwe, Rukky, RuksGod did this for me
OghenerunoOruno, RunoGod has so much
OghenetegaOtega, Tega, OgheneGod is worthy to be worshipped
OghenevwedeOghenede, OgheneGod owns the day
OghenevwogaganOgaga, Gaga, OgheneGod provides all my strength
OgheneochukoOchuko, OgheneGod provides my support
OkerogheneOkeoghene, OgheneGod’s own time
OmarmerhiMamerhi, OmaGood God
OnakpomaOnoWho creates life?
OnomavweOnoWho is my creator?
OnomineMimi, OnoWhom do I look up to?
OnovughakporOnovughe, OnoWho can predict what life can bring?
OyovwikemoKemo, YovwikeMay our children be blessed
OyovwikerhiKerhi, YovwikeMay my God be blessed
AchojahAchojahRise up to a challenge
AruegodoreEgodoWe have established
EdojahDojahDay of challenge
EfeminiEfeLet’s see how wealthy you will be
EfetoboEfewealth is achieved
EtanomareTanomare, NomareFreed from blame
IghomuedafeIgho, DafeMoney Intoxicates the wealthy
MiriodereMiriodeI now have a name
MitaireMitaiI have achieved their match
MivwodereMivwodeI now have a name
OboganriemuOboganBe strong to survive
OgbamremuOgbaThe brave meets a lot of challenges
OjakorotuJakorotu, OrotuThis is a group challenge
OjanomareJanomaI have met the challenge
OnajiteOjiteThis is sufficient
OnanojahOnojahThis is a challenge
OnogaganmueOno, OgaganWho is intoxicated with power?
OnoharheseNorhaheseWho blames good deeds
UdumebrayeUdume, DumebrayeMy presence gives them heartache
EdafetanureTanureThe wealthy has spoken
EfemenaEfeHere is my wealth
EfemuayeEfeThose intoxicated with riches
EfetoboreToboreWealth has now been achieved
EtanomareTanomare, TanomaFreed from blame
EtaredafeDafeWords of the wealthy
IghovavwerheIghoThere is joy in riches
IrikefeKefeFirst to become wealthy
OdafeDafeRich individual
OdavwaroOdaroI am contented
OghomenaOgho, OmenaHere is my respect
OghonoroOgho, OnoroRespect is greater than riches
OkagbareKagbareNow I have all skills
OmonighoOmo, IghoChild is greater than riches
OmonoroOmo, OnoroChild is greater than gold
OnajiteJite, OjiteThis is sufficient
OrodenaOrodeThe great one
NoriogheneNorienLook at God’s judgement
OghenenyerhovwoNyerhovwo, OgheneGod answers prayers
OghenerhoroOgheneGod makes all things possible
AkpobumeAkpoboMy own life
AkpofureOfureLife is now peaceful
AkporvwovwoAkpovwovwoGood life in later years
AtaikiruTaikiruPlan before taing action
AvwunudiogbaUnudiogbaThose who profess strength with mere talk
EdaferierhiEdafeThe rich have good destiny
EdemirukayeEde, DemirukaiThe day i did them a favour
EghwrudjakporJakpor, EghwrudjeI have come to stay
EjaitaJaitaLet them say
EjoyovwiJoyovwiLet it be a success
EmarejedjeOmare, EjedjeThe elderly also run for life
EmetitiriMetitiriMine is famous
EmudiagaMudiagaLet’s stand firmly
EmuobosaMuoboYour own thing is precious
EmuvokeVokeEverything has time
EnakpodiaNakpodiaThe way life should be
EnitaNitaWatch what you say
EnitekiruEnitehThink before you act
EnivwenayeNivwenaiCompare my achievements with those of my detractors
ErukainureRukainure, EruksWe have aided them
EtarakpobunoEtabuno, TabunoThe world has so much to say
IrorokpakaRokpakaDeep thoughts
OborerhinrinBerhirinIt’s your destiny
OgbetaGbetaBad talk
OkiremuteOkiteThere’s time for everything
OmafuvweMafuvwe, OmaI am at peace
OmenasanMenasanMine is unique
OnomeOnomeThis is mine
OnoriodeOnoWho knows tomorrow
OrodenaOrodeThe great one
OtevwobriseOtobrise, OtobruIt’s sufficient to make parables
OviguerayeOvigueEveryone with his/her own destiny
OvuevurayeOvuevu, VuevurayeEveryone has his/ her own mind
OyabevweOyabeTired of sojourn
UfuomaFuomaPeace of mind
UghwubetineBetineNo more deaths
UruemuesiriEsiri, UruemuGood deeds
Umukoro/OmokoroMukoro,MokoroYoung man
IminiovwerhaImoniThere’s joy in having blood relations
IniovosaNiovosaSiblings are unique
OhwevwoOhwoGood human relationship provides valuable support
OhwofasaOfasaA person’s status should be defined by his/her achievement.
OhwonighoIghoA child is greater than riches
OmonoroMonoro, OroA child is greater than gold
OnanefeEfe, OnaThis child is greater than riches
OmodiboModiboYoung disciple/servant
EdekiDekiMarket day
EdoreDoreDay of festivity(festival)
EduvieDuvieDay of Glory
AvwunufeEfe, WunufeWealthy only by mouth, not substance
EfediomeDiomeLet riches be mine
EfekodoEfe, FekodoFamous with wealth
EfemenaEfeHere is my wealth
EfemuayeEfeThose intoxicated with riches
EfeturiEfe, FeturiThere are more than 100 types of riches
EfevwerhaEfeWealth is joyful
EfurhievweEfeDestined to be wealthy
EjaifeJaifeLet them be wealthy
EsisorighoEsisiBag of money
EtaidaferuaTaidafeWords of the wealthy are more acceptable
IgberaharhaGberaharharThe poor takes the blame
IghofoseOse, IghoMoney can break close relationships
IghofovweIghoWealth suites me
IghohwoIghoRiches make you human
IrikefeKefeFirst to become wealthy
OmoefeOmo, EfeChild is wealth
OmovighoOmo, IghoChild brings wealth
OnofegharaEfe, NofegharaWho shares his wealth with others
OnoharhigboIgho, NoharhigboWho blames riches/ wealth
UduefebrayeEfe, UduefeWealth gives them challenge/heartache
AhwinahwiAhwiA very dark person
OfuakoFuakoOne with white teeth
OmoyiboMoyiboLittle fair person
OyiboOyiboFair skinned
OyibonanarhoroOyiborhoro, Oyibo, OyibodeA big fair-skinned person
OyiborhoroOyibode, OyiboA big fair-skinned person
OyiborodeOyibode, OyiboA big fair-skinned person
EdosioEde, OsioRainy day
OhwahwaHwahwaHarmattan/ Cold season
OkposioOsioHeavy Rain
UvoUvoDry season
EmeniMeniSmall Elephant
EmerhoMerhoSmall Catfish
ErhueErhueA special breed of cow usd for traditional ceremonies
OkpogoroOgoroa big toad
UlohoLohoIroko tree
AgbarhaAgbarhaBorn in Agbarha
EmetisiorhoIsiorhoChildren born in the Diaspora
OkparaOkparaBorn in Okpara
OmorogunOmo, MorogunChild born in Orogun
OrogunOrogunBorn in Orogun
SapeleSapeleBorn in Sapele
UhwokoriKokoriBorn in Uhwokori


Urhobo names for girls

AkpenvwogheneAkpenvwePraise God
AkpobumeAkpoboMy own life
AkporvwovwoAkpovwovwoGood life in later years
AnaborhiNaborhiBorn with good destiny
AsaroyomaSayomaComfort zones
AvwunudiogbaUnudiogbaThose who profess strength with mere talk
AvwunufeEfe, WunufeWealthy only by mouth, not substance
EdekiDekiMarket day
EdoreDoreDay of festivity(festival)
EduvieDuvieDay of Glory
EfediomeDiomeLet riches be mine
EfekodoEfe, FekodoFamous with wealth
EfemenaEfeHere is my wealth
EfemenaEfeHere is my wealth
EfetoboEfewealth is achieved
EfeturiEfe, FeturiThere are more than 100 types of riches
EfevwerhaEfeWealth is joyful
EfurhievweEfeDestined to be wealthy
EghwrudjakporJakpor, EghwrudjeI have come to stay
EjaitaJaitaLet them say
EjirogheneEjiroPraise God
EjokparogheneOghene, JokpaLet us trust in God
EjomafuvweJomafu, JomafuvweLet peace reign in my life
EjoyovwiJoyovwiLet it be a success
EmarejedjeOmare, EjedjeThe elderly also run for life
EmetemediaMetemediaI will always remain a lady
EmeterhireEmeteGirls have arrived
EmuobosaMuoboYour own thing is precious
EmuvokeVokeEverything has time
EnajemeteEmeteThese are also girls
EnitaNitaWatch what you say
EnitekiruEnitehThink before you act
EnivwenayeNivwenaiCompare my achievements with those of my detractors
ErhimeyomaOyomaMy God is good
ErhinyojaRhinyoja, onyojaGod meets our challenges/ hears our prayers
ErhinyuseUseGod answers prayers
ErhiogheneErhi, OgeneThe spirit of God
ErukainureRukainure, EruksWe have aided them
EseogheneEseGod’s gift
EsereshareberuoEse, Eseberuomen are hard to please
EserovweOvwe, EseGod’s grace/ Free gift
EsisorighoEsisiBag of money
EtanomareTanomare, NomareFreed from blame
EtarakpobunoEtabuno, TabunoThe world has so much to say
IghofoseOse, IghoMoney can break close relationships
IghofovweIghoWealth suites me
IghohwoIghoRiches make you human
IminiovwerhaImoniThere’s joy in having blood relations
IniovosaNiovosaSiblings are unique
IrorokpakaRokpakaDeep thoughts
MiriodereMiriodeI now have a name
MitaireMitaiI have achieved their match
MivwodereMivwodeI now have a name
NoriogheneNorienLook at God’s judgement
OborerhinrinBerhirinIt’s your destiny
OdavwaroOdaroI am contented
OfuakoFuakoOne with white teeth
OghenebrumeBrumeGod decided in my favour
OghenechovweChovwe, OgheneGod aided me
OghenefejiroOfejiro, Ejiro,OgheneGod is praiseworthy
OghenegarenGaren, OgeneGod is great
OghenekevweKevwe, OgheneGod gave me
OghenekohwoOghene, KohwoGod provides
OghenemeOme, OgheneMy God
OghenemineMimi, MineI look up to God
OghenenyerhovwoNyerhovwo, OgheneGod answers prayers
OghenenyoreNyore, OgheneGod answers prayers
OgheneochukoOchuko, OgheneGod provides my support
OghenerhoroOgheneGod makes all things possible
OgheneruemuOgheneGod makes all things possible
OghenerukevweRukevwe, Rukky, RuksGod did this for me
OghenerunoOruno, RunoGod has so much
OghenetegaOtega, Tega, OgheneGod is worthy to be worshipped
OghenevwedeOghenede, OgheneGod owns the day
OghenevwogaganOgaga, Gaga, OgheneGod provides all my strength
OghomenaOgho, OmenaHere is my respect
OghonoroOgho, OnoroRespect is greater than riches
OhwevwoOhwoGood human relationship provides valuable support
OjanomareJanomaI have met the challenge
OkerogheneOkeoghene, OgheneGod’s own time
OkiremuteOkiteThere’s time for everything
OkposioOsioHeavy Rain
OmafuvweMafuvwe, OmaI am at peace
OmarmerhiMamerhi, OmaGood God
OmenasanMenasanMine is unique
OmodiboModiboYoung disciple/servant
OmoefeOmo, EfeChild is wealth
OmonighoOmo, IghoChild is greater than riches
OmonoroOmo, OnoroChild is greater than gold
OmonoroMonoro, OroA child is greater than gold
Omote OmoteGirl
OmotejohwoOmoteA girl is also a human being
Omoteko EkoGirl born in Lagos
OmotekoroOroA girl is like Gold
OmotoreTore, OmoteBirth of a girl brings festivity
OmotugheleMotugheleGirl from ughelli
OmotukaneMotukaneGirl born in the Diaspora
OmovighoOmo, IghoChild brings wealth
OmoyiboMoyiboLittle fair person
OnajiteOjiteThis is sufficient
OnajiteJite, OjiteThis is sufficient
OnakpomaOnoWho creates life?
OnanefeEfe, OnaThis child is greater than riches
OnofegharaEfe, NofegharaWho shares his wealth with others
OnoharheseNorhaheseWho blames good deeds
OnomavweOnoWho is my creator?
OnomeOnomeThis is mine
OnomineMimi, OnoWhom do I look up to?
OnoriodeOnoWho knows tomorrow
OnovughakporOnovughe, OnoWho can predict what life can bring?
OrodenaOrodeThe great one
OtevwobriseOtobrise, OtobruIt’s sufficient to make parables
OviguerayeOvigueEveryone with his/her own destiny
OvuevurayeOvuevu, VuevurayeEveryone has his/ her own mind
OyabevweOyabeTired of sojourn
OyiboOyiboFair skinned
OyovwikemoKemo, YovwikeMay our children be blessed
OyovwikerhiKerhi, YovwikeMay my God be blessed
UfuomaFuomaPeace of mind
UghwubetineBetineNo more deaths
UmukokoOkokoYoung woman
UruemuesiriEsiri, UruemuGood deeds

Check out: Ijaw Names And Meaning

Facts about Urhobo names

  • Every Urhobo name means something. It could be cultural, spiritual or attributional. Urhobos believe a person behaves like his/her name. They also believe that children live up to the meaning or likeness of their name. If a child is named ‘stupid’ or ‘bush’, he may grow up to be ‘wayward’ on the other hand, if a child has a name that suggests ‘glory’ or ‘joy’, he will invariably become a successful person. Urhobo people are very cautious when naming their children because they believe names are highly significant.
  • In Urhobo culture, it is extremely normal for a child to be named by anyone other than his parents. It is a sign of honour and respect. In many villages with Urhobo culture, there is an absence of elaborate or special naming ceremonies that need the performance of certain rituals. Shortly after childbirth, the only persons who are permitted to touch or even see newborns, in Urohbo culture, are the parents and grandparents. After three months, there is an outing where the rest of the family and friends are allowed to see and play with the child. This also where the naming ceremony takes place.
  • Urhobo names are very significant and rich in meaning. In Urhobo culture, names are much more than identification or tags. Many Urhobo names adduce supernatural or sacred significance. It is not abnormal for an Urhobo child to be given a name that connotes a ‘challenge’, ‘celebration’ or ‘appreciation’. A lot of Urhobo names imply ‘honour’ or ‘philosophical question’. Others may be given names to mark ‘special events’ or ‘day’.
  • Urhobo culture never permits the counting of children.
  • Urhobo parents are highly cautious of the names their children bear. On some occasions, their elderly relatives can rightfully name newborns. This is a privilege. But Urhobo people don’t have naming ceremonies with special rites. Besides parents and grandparents, Urhobo does not let newborns be touched and they can be hidden from others till the age of three months. Mother and child are normally healthy enough to go outdoors at this age. This may be a trip to the in-laws and other close family members.
  • Several Urhobo names are anticipating greatness and achievement. Certain names are didactic, while others are appropriate for a particular gender. The Urhobo also give names to show the value and essence of people. Some are named to commemorate special days, particularly if the baby was birthed on that particular day.The Urhobo are a highly hard-working people. They like to acquire wealth and fame in the traditional way.

Did I miss any Urhobo name? Drop a comment below and I’ll add it ASAP.

69 thoughts on “Urhobo Names And Meaning”

    1. Oghene means God; oruese means a giver of free gift.
      I would edit the name to Ogheneruese, God has given (me )a free gift.
      To answer your question, I would translate what is written as God, the giver of free gift.

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