Ijaw Names And Meaning

Ijaw names and Their meanings The Ijaws, or Izons, are the fourth largest tribe in Nigeria, located in the Niger Delta region. See Ijaw names and their meanings here.

They have a very rich culture, with fishing as their main occupation since they are located in the riverine area. The Ijaw land is rich in crude oil, making them one of the major stakeholders in the Niger Delta region.

Ijaw Names And Their Meanings

Below is a list of Ijaw names and their meanings:

  1. Derioteidou – Free from laughter
  2. Woyengi-momoemi – God is with me
  3. Tubokebima – The Good Child
  4. Perelayefa – Richer than the richest or Nobody richer
  5. Tari – Love
  6. Tamarapreye – God’s gift
  7. Ebiere – Fine Lady
  8. Okubo-ere – Money woman
  9. Ayiba tari – God’s Love
  10. Beinmonyo – Fulfilled
  11. Ayebatari – God’s love
  12. Ina’ngo – My wealth
  13. Ikaebinyo – I will be good also
  14. Ayebabomote – God’s praise
  15. Ngoebiye – Wealth is good
  16. Baratuipre – Helping hands
  17. Ayebaidobamo – God has made me great
  18. Nengimote – Above all
  19. Iniye – My own
  20. Inemo – Endurance
  21. Tamaranlayefa – There is nothing that reach God
  22. Ayetamaranbrakemi – life is in the hands of God
  23. Ebipade – Goodluck
  24. Timiebi – Be patience and you will be rich.
  25. Tamaraudoubra – Godswill
  26. Akpoebi – Life is good
  27. Ebi-akpo – Good Life
  28. Seimieghan – Do no harm
  29. Ebiperemene – it will be good to me
  30. Teinane – God has answer
  31. Ebiegberi- Good news
  32. Torukro – Be Strong
  33. Emomotimi – stay with me
  34. Tarilayefa – Nothing like love
  35. Ebikabowei – Comes with good
  36. Pereotu – Wealthy people
  37. Douere – Patient
  38. Ekio – Wisdom
  39. Ebipade – Blessing has come
  40. Ebiboseineyagha – The Blessing are mine
  41. Egirigi – Great
  42. Seipaleyagha – Stainless
  43. Funpere – Education is wealth
  44.  Odounkakpo – Long life
  45.  Ezoukumor – Be steady
  46. Ebiowei – Kind one
  47. Ebiowou – Good way
  48. Kromor – Energetic
  49. Bulokakotua – Hope
  50. Tolumu – Counselling
  51. Benatu – Family
  52. Anetorufa – Excellent
  53. Enieyekeye – Self-appointed
  54. Timiebibo – The joy of living
  55. Eyerinmene – Lively
  56. Peremoboere – Good fortune
  57. Poweide – Happiness
  58. Apamor – Volunteer
  59. Tokeere igien meiseifa – Guiltless
  60. Imomotimi – Stay with me
  61. Owoufimiuowei – A man who opens way
  62. Owoufiniere – A woman who opens ways
  63. Ebiere – Fine woman
  64. Oyeinketonperemunu – God will plan for me
  65. Oyeinmiebi – The good deeds of God
  66. Tubolayefa – There is nothing like child
  67. Inakposeimokumo – Don’t destroy my life
  68. Ebiketon – Plan good
  69. Youbaitongha – There is no forbidden day for travelling
  70. Oifie – This is our season
  71. Ondotimi – Stay alive
  72. Timioyeinkedi – Stay and look up to God
  73. Ebiakpo – Good life
  74. Perepakerekere – There are different types of riches
  75. Pereozoukumo – Don’t rush for riches
  76. Oyeinbirakemi – Its in the hand of God
  77. Binalayefa – There is nothing like relations
  78. Birakumo – Don’t forget me
  79. Ayibapreye – God Gift
  80. Ayiba-womoemi – God’s with us
  81. Ayibaseighe – God is not bad
  82. Ayibaseinghe – God is not asleep
  83.  Ayiba-eninidetei – God has shown mercy
  84. Ayiba-deinyefa – Nothing is greater than God
  85.  Ayiba-tari – God’s blessing
  86. Ayiba-tonbra – God’s plan
  87.  Ayiba-emomoemi – God is with me.
  88.  Ayiba-emi -God is
  89. Endutimi – Long-life
  90. Okobatin – Money tree
  91. Okoba-ere – Good woman
  92. Pere-owei – Rich man
  93. Pere-ere – Rich woman
  94. Ayebanua – Thank God
  95. Kurokeme – Strong man
  96. Awoala – Chief of children
  97. Awoalaye-ofori – There is nothing like children
  98. Ibigibo – Good mother
  99. Awongo – Children are wealth
  100.  Da omuna – God is not sleeping
  101. Daowaninami – God is with us
  102. Daowanate – God has heard u
  103. Daobomate – God bless
  104. Tamunusaki ibitam – God’s time is the best.
  105.  Ebieya – Yours is good
  106. Kemelayefa – Nothing can be compared to a person
  107. Enai – My own
  108. 108 Pere – King / wealth / riches
  109. Tamarakarena – God has heard my prayer.
  110. Seigha – Nothing spoils
  111. Ebiyipreye – It is well with you
  112. Brasin – Leave it with God
  113. Dimbainimibofa – Nobody knows tomorrow
  114. Brakemi – Its in your hands
  115. Ebitare – Love good
  116. Tamarataena – God heard my prayer
  117. Ekiyor – Wisdom
  118. Doubra – The way God wants it
  119. Ebimini – It will be well
  120. Nimi – Knowledge
  121. Ebisuode – Good has entered
  122. Tamaraleyefa – Nothing Equals God.
  123. 123 Tamarakru – God is strong
  124. Ebidisebofe – There is no one that does not like good
  125. Ebimoboere – Woman that brought good
  126. Yoroakpo – Woman’s life
  127. Ebiarede – My eyes have seen good
  128. Ditorusin – Look and remove your eyes
  129. Tamaramiemini – God will do it
  130. Inemoweri – Endurance
  131. Zibepreyi – God gift.
  132.  Ebipadie – It has been accomplished
  133. Tonye- What he created
  134. Oyin-miesidou – God has done it for me
  135. Oyin-nimi – God knows
  136. Oyinegberi – Gospel
  137. Fun-ebi – Knowledge is Good.
  138. Oyin-kuro – Gods power
  139. Yenimi-ere – Intelligent woman
  140. Perekeme – Rich man
  141. Ebiarere – good gain

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