How To Share Data on MTN (2023 Update)

You may probably be looking for the easiest way to share data on MTN; that’s why you are on this page. You are not alone if you face difficulties trying to share data with your friends and loved ones.

As an MTN user, you know how data can be expensive and easy to exhaust. That’s why our friends and loved ones keep asking us, “Please share me data.” And the last thing you would want is difficulties while going about this process.

But not to worry; this guide will show you how to get rid of the hassles encountered while sharing data on the MTN network.

Without further ado, let’s get started.


One beautiful thing about the MTN network is that it allows subscribers to share their data with other MTN users through the MTN Data gifting service.

What is the MTN Data Gifting All About?

The MTN Gift Data gifting or sharing service is an MTN service that allows MTN subscribers to be able to transfer MTN data to their friends from their own data. This service also allows users to be able to buy and request data for their friends and loved ones.

What this means is that you can use this service to send and buy data bundles for your other smart phones, modems and tablets.

Type of MTN Data Gifting

Dash Me Data

Dash Me Data (also called Request from a Friend) is a service that lets you send a data request to a friend, urging that he or she purchase a data package on your behalf.

As the beneficiary, you are seeking data from a sponsor who is a relative or friend that is ready to pay for the bundle.

Data Transfer

This is a service that lets you send anyone data from your existing data balance.

For example, Mr. A can share a specific volume of data with Mr. B if he has a valid data plan.


Buy Data for a Friend

You can purchase a specific data package for your loved ones or friend, and the cost will be subtracted from your airtime. Just dial *312*Bundle Activation Code*Beneficiary’s Phone number#


Request Data from a Friend

Look for data urgently?

You can make a data request data from loved ones or friends. Simply dial *312*7*3#


MTN Data Gifting Code


Service Name

Direct USSD

USSD Shortcode

SMS shortcode to 131

Bundle Size/Type

Transfer from Data Balance (Data Transfer) *131*7*1# *131*Beneficiary’s Phone number*Data amount# Transfer<space>Beneficiary’s Phone number<space>Data amount
  • 50MB
  • 100MB
  • 200MB
  • 500MB
Buy for a Friend (Data Gifting) *131*7*2# *131* <Bundle Activation Code>* <Recipient phone number># N/A Daily, weekly, monthly, 2-months, 3-months data plan
Request from a Friend (Dash me Data) *131*7*3# N/A N/A N/A
View Pending Request *131*7*4# N/A N/A N/A


How To Share Data on MTN

To share data to your friends and loved ones, follow the procedure below.

  1. Dial *131*Phone number* Data amount# or, text Transfer<space>Phone number<space>Data amount to 131. Doing this will transfer data to your friends from your existing data balance.

If you are short of data balance, first subscribe before performing the above procedure. See some MTN data plans to choose from here.

2. If you wish to buy data for a friend instead of sending from your own existing data, simply dial *131*Bundle Activation Code*Beneficiary’s Phone number#

This process will buy a specific bundle for that friend, and you will be charged from your airtime.


How to Request MTN Data From a Friend

The next question you might want to ask is, “What if I want someone to gift me data?” What if you are a friend in need? In this situation, you can request data from MTN. Let’s show you how:

  • On your mobile device, dial the following number: *312*7*3#
  • Next, when prompted, input the phone number of your friend. (He must be an MTN user.)
  • Then your friend will be notified via text message that you are requesting that he share the data with you.
  • It’s up to your friend to accept. If he does, the data will be transferred from his account to yours.
  • Lastly, if the transfer goes through, an SMS will be sent to you confirming the process.


Frequently Asked Questions on MTN Data Gifting

Find below some of the questions you might have on MTN Data gifting and the answers to them.

1. Will I require a PIN to use the MTN’s Gift Data service?

No. You only need to enter your beneficiary’s phone number and choose a data plan to use the service.

2. What amount of data can I transfer at a time?

The amount of data you can transfer at a time are 10MB, 50MB, and 100MB. However, you must ensure you have at least 50MB in your data balance after every transfer for your transfer to be successful.

3. How many times can I transfer data in a day?

The maximum number of times you can transfer is twice daily. However, the cumulative amount you can transfer at a given time and in a day is 100MB.

4. How many times can I buy data for my loved ones?

You can buy any data plan multiple times for your beneficiary as long as you have sufficient credit in your line.

5. How many times can I send a request for data?

You will be able to send a request for data at most 5 times a day, but you shall be able to receive data request multiple times.

6. Will I be able to receive request for data if I am having active DND service?

You will not receive data request if you have Full DND active on your line

7. What are the types of bundle I can gift a friend?

You can only buy and transfer data from your daily, weekly, and monthly bundle plans, but, you shall not be able to gift from an XtraValue bundle.

8. How long can I have a pending data request?

A request will be active for 48 hours on your view pending request menu and you will be able to see only the 10 most recent ones if you have multiples.

9. I just purchased a monthly bundle, but I am still having unused data in my daily and weekly bundle balance that will soon expire. Can I transfer the daily and weekly bundles to my friend?

No. You will only be able to transfer from the bundle with the latest validity at any given time and the expiry date will be the same on the beneficiary’s line.

11. I am having 5MB, 25MB, and 40MB remaining in my daily, weekly, and monthly balance respectively. Will I be able to transfer from my combined data balance to a friend?

No, you will not be able to combine your total balance for any transfer. You will only be able to transfer from the data plan that has sufficient balance.

12. Can data be transferred to me if I am still having sufficient data in my line?

Yes, but the data you received will deplete first before your active data bundle.

13. If I have multiple data bundles active and received a data gift, which bundle will deplete first?

If someone buys data for you with the multiple data bundles active on your line, the data bundle with the least validity will be used first. Example: If you have an active 30-day bundle plan and received a gift of 1-day plan, the 1-day plan will be used first before the 30-day plan.

14. Can I enjoy bonus offers on the data bundle I am gifted?

You will only be able to enjoy bonus on the bundle that is bought for you if you are eligible for the offers, but you will NOT be able to enjoy bonus on data that is transferred to you.

15. Will I be charged an additional cost for using the MTN’s Gift Data service?

No! You will only be charged the price of the data plan if you are buying for a friend.

16. Will my gifted data auto renew on the day of expiry?

You will only be able to auto-renew the bundle that was bought for you by sending the opt-in keyword to 131, but the bundle that was transferred to you will not auto-renew and will be valid till the expiry date.

17. Will I be able to rollover my unused gifted data bundle?

You will be able to roll over any unused main data bundle that is bought for you as long as you buy or receive another bundle before the current bundle expires or within the allowed grace period after the bundle expires. BUT you will NOT be able rollover any unused data bonus and data that is transferred to you.

18. Will I be able to set MTN’s Gift Data service to automatically gift beneficiaries data bundles?

No, you can only gift your loved ones data bundle by accessing the service yourself.

19. How do I check the balance of my gifted bundle?

You will be able to check your data bundle balance  via the following channels:

  • SMS: Texting 2 to 131]
  • USSD: dialling *131*4#
  • my MTN App

Wrapping up

Everyone needs data for browsing the Internet via their mobile device. And at times, those you care about most will run out of data, making it more difficult to stay keep in touch.

Fortunately, MTN makes it simple to send airtime or share data. Furthermore, the whole procedure is easy and safe.

Lastly, the guidelines here might differ for prepaid and postpaid MTN users, yet they should be similar.

That is all on how to share data on MTN.

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