Eye test: How many squares is a new puzzle that is on the net that has currently leave many people who attempted to solve it amazed.
Nonetheless, many persons still believe they can solve it, as it is not a big deal. It is natural to think that you are more clever than everyone else.
Well, it is okay to believe that. But why not try for your self and see how clever you really are.
Do you really think you can solve this puzzle? then show us what you’ve got

Figured out how many squares there are? Are you very certain you are correct? Feel free to check it again.
If you are certain you have got the correct answer, then let’s confirm if you are truly correct.
However, I must warn you, 95 percent of the persons that tried this puzzle has not been able to get it correctly.
Many have brought forth a lot of answers and argued that their answer is the correct one.
However, let me show you the correct answer. You must realize that the squares are way many than you think.
The correct answer to the puzzle is 40 squares. That’s right: It’s not 8, 16, 24, 28 or 30, and we’ll tell you why. The image is made up of eight tiny squares, 18 single squares, nine 2 x 2 squares, four 3 x 3 squares, and one 4 x 4 square.
Still confused, see the solution in the image below.
Are you now clear? How many of the squares did you miss? Actually, when I did mine, I didn’t get it correct. Mine was 33.
What about you? Well, you don’t need to get much worked up over it. It’s just a puzzle anyways.
I hope you like this puzzle? Did you get it correctly, what did you get, do well to leave a comment and tell us what you got.
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Einstein’s Riddle: Who owns the fish?
This riddle is said to have been created by Albert Einstein when he was a child.
Five houses are lined up in a row, each painted in a distinct colour.
Each house has a resident of a distinct nationality.
Each of the five homeowners consumes a specific beverage, smokes a specific cigarette brand, and has a specific animal.
However, none of the homeowners shares a similar drink, a cigar, or a pet.
Is it possible to identify the fish’s owner with the 15 hints provided??
The only way to answer this is to work out what the symbols signify in terms of numbers.
Begin with the first equation: the sum of three shoe symbols = 30, indicating that the shoe symbol stands for the number ten.
Then 10 + C + C = 20, and each cat is a representation of the number 5.
However, keep in mind that not all cats are alike.
Which cup would be filled with coffee first?
With the exception of the pipes flowing to cup no 5, every one of the pipes in the picture is blocked.
According to Playbuzz, 97% of people get the answer to this riddle wrong on the first try.
Teresa’s daughter is the person who is asking the question.
Are you still having trouble? The answer is that I am Teresa’s daughter.
Please share this puzzle with your friends and family. Thanks.