What Does Addy Mean?

The word “addy” has been constantly trending on social media. The slang is usually used by people to wish their friends and loved ones a Happy Birthday and it is always accompanied by ‘in and ‘to’.

You will see things like; in addy to the best sister in the world, in addy to someone special, etc. on your Facebook timeline and WhatsApp status.

Meaning of addy

Addy as I earlier said has been a trend on social media, searching through the pages of different dictionaries ends up in disappointment as there is really no such word in the dictionary.

How, then did these folks get this word from? This might be the question running in your mind, but don’t worry, I have been equally asking myself the same question.

Apart from being an online used vulgar word, the addy is sometimes used to express one’s address, especially an email address for example words like; my email addy is [email protected].

Things to Note about Addy

Everyone wants to get updated with trending words, slang, memes and of course responses to questions on social media__ that’s not bad you know. But be sure you are properly informed before making any attempt t use them to avoid ridiculing yourself.

Here are a few things to know about Addy:

Until there is a provision to include addy to the dictionary meaning, it remains vulgar that does not literally exist.

It was invented and used on social media; it is most appreciated on social media.

Wishing somebody a happy birthday is used when the actual date of the birthday is yet to come, so, we will say it is a short form of saying ‘in advance’.

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