200 Spanish Words That Start With “J”
Spanish is a lovely language. Speaking Spanish is very attractive because of how it sounds and the accent. It’s a much softer language, and it sounds more poetic.
It is considered one of the most romantic languages in the world because of its melodic tone; it is the perfect language for music and poetry.

It is also one of the easiest languages to learn. However, learning little by little is the secret to gaining full mastery of the Spanish language. In this article, we’ll be looking at Spanish Words That Start With “J.” and their meaning. So, let’s get started!
200 Spanish Words That Start With “J”
Spanish Words |
Meaning in English |
José | The letter J in the Spanish phonetic alphabet |
jacinto | Hyacinth (plant) |
juicio | opinion |
juicio | trial |
julio | July |
Julieta | Juliet, the lover of Romeo |
junio | June |
junto | joined |
jitomate | tomato |
juzgar | to try (a case) |
juzgar | to pass judgment |
Juzgar | to consider |
juzgado | a court of law with a judge |
justo | tightly |
justo | right |
justificación | Justification |
justificante | proof |
justificar | to justify |
justificado | justified |
justiciero | Righteous |
justicia | the law |
Jurásico | Jurassic |
justamente | precisely; exactly |
justicia | justice |
Jurisprudencia | jurisprudence |
jurista | jurist, lawyer |
jurisdicción | jurisdiction |
jurar | to swear; to take an oath |
juramento | a sworn statement |
jurar | to curse or swear |
juntura | joint |
jurado | a member of a jury |
junto | near |
junto | together |
juntar | to combine, to unite |
juntar | to gather (together); to collect |
juntar | to close partway |
jungla | jungle |
jumo | drunkenness |
Juliana | female given name |
Julián | male given name, cognate to Julian |
Julia | female given name |
juicioso | wise |
juicioso | judicious |
juguetonamente | playfully |
juguetón | playful |
jeta | sleep |
jeta | snout |
jeta | anger face |
jibia | cuttlefish |
jilote | Immature, green ear of maize |
jinete | horseman, horsewoman, rider |
jinetear | to ride horseback |
jinetear | to ride; to perform |
jiote | rash |
jira | picnic |
jirafa | giraffe |
jirón | rag; shred |
jo | stop (especially when commanding a horse) |
jo | Used to express surprise, amazement, or confusion |
Joaquina | female given name, a feminine form of Joaquín |
Joaquín | male given name |
joder | to annoy, bug, bother |
joder | to damage, break |
joder | to put in a difficult situation |
joder | to suck; to blow |
jodido | difficult |
jodido | screwed up |
jofaina | washbowl |
jornada | working day |
jornalero | day laborer |
joroba | hump |
jorobar | to be annoying |
José | Joseph |
Josefa | female given name, feminine form of José |
Josefina | female given name, cognate to Josephine |
José María | male given name |
Josué | Joshua |
jote | alcoholic drink consisting of wine and cola |
jote | vulture |
jotear | To flirt with or woo someone, often with the intent of making a sexual conquest |
jotito | diminutive form of joto small child |
joven | young, youthful |
jovenzuelo | youngster |
jovial | Cheerful, jovial |
jovialidad | cheerfulness |
jovialmente | jovially |
joya | gem; treasure |
joya | jewel |
joya | jewellery, jewelry |
joyel | Small jewel |
joyería | jewelry shop / store |
joyero | goldsmith |
Juan | John |
Juana | female given name; equivalent to Jane |
Juanfran | male given name |
Juanita | female given name |
jubilación | pension |
jubilación | retirement |
jubilado | retired |
jubilar | to get rid of |
jubilarse | to rejoice |
jubileo | jubilee |
jubilosamente | jubilantly |
jubiloso | jubilant |
jabón | soap |
Judá | Judah (Biblical character and tribe) |
judía | bean |
judaicamente | Jewishly |
judaísmo | Judaism |
judería | Jewish neighborhood |
judicatura | judiciary |
juego | game; spor |
juego | gaming |
jueves | Thursday |
juez | umpire; referee; official |
juerga | partying |
jueza | female judge |
jugador | gambler |
juglar | poet, reciter |
jugarreta | prank |
jugar con fuego | to play with fire |
juglar | minstrel |
Julio | male given name, cognate to Julius |
juncácea | (plants) rush |
juncia | sedge |
junta | contact, acquaintances |
junta | council |
junta | meeting (A gathering for a purpose) |
Jurado | a judge or referee |
juramentado | bound by oath |
jurídico | legal; just |
jurel | jack (edible fish of the genus Caranx or Trachurus) |
juro | ownership |
justa | tournament |
justicialismo | justicialism, peronism |
jurisdiccional | jurisdictional, territorial |
justificable | justifiable |
justicialista | Of or relating to justicialism |
justificante | justification |
juvenil | teenage |
jeta | face, mush, mug, scoundrel (impudent person) |
jilote | corn silk |
jaula | cage |
jamás | never |
jabalí | wild pig |
arabe | syrup |
Júpiter | jupiter |
jeringa | syringe |
jaqueca | headache |
jornalero | laborer |
jactanciosamente | boastfully |
jabato | brave, bold, tough guy |
jacalear | gossip |
As stated earlier, Spanish is an appealing language and easy to learn. For a better understanding, below are example sentences that contain some of these words and their English translation.
Read: Meaning of Kms
Spanish “J” Words in a sentence
1. Recuerda lavarte las manos con mucho jabón.
Remember to wash your hands with a lot of soap.
2. No he visto nunca una jirafaI
have never seen a giraffe.
3. Mi jefe me pidió que viniera a la oficina el sábado en la mañana.
My boss asked me to come to the office on Saturday morning.
4. el perro estaba en una jaula
The dog was in a cage
5. mi cumpleaños es en junio
My birthday is in June
That’s all for Spanish Words That Start With J. To learn more, visit duolingo.com or download the app on playstore.
Spanish Words That Start With J. ( with English Translation) Junio-june, jaula-cage, jefe-boss, jirafa-giraffe, jabón-soap…