How To Change Your Birthday Date on Facebook App

How To Change Your Birthday Date On Facebook App –You realised you had filled in the wrong date of birth by mistake when opening a new Facebook account. How will you rectify that?

How do you hide your date of birth from friends on Facebook? The following instructions will help you rectify or change your birth date on the Facebook app immediately.

Step 1: Head to your profile and ensure you click on your cover photo.

Step 2: Click Contact and Basic Info.

Step 3: Scroll down and click Edit next to Birth Date and Birth Year (you’ll need to hover over the information you want to edit for the Edit option to appear)

Step 4: Use the drop-down menu to change your birthday

Step 5: Click Save Changes.

Changing your type of audience can help you restrict who views your birthday. On the menu, you will find two audience selectors that can view your birthday:

  • Day and month
  • Year

If your birthday is not viewed by friends, they won’t be notified of it.

How to Change Your Birthday Date On Facebook App – Problem with Changing Your Birthday?

Facebook thrives on authenticity. Facebook users are expected to give their legal name and information, such as their date of birth, so it would be easy to connect with friends. For this reason, your birth date on Facebook can be changed a few times.


A lot of users are having problems trying to change their birthday dates on Facebook. That’s the goal of this article. We want to show you easy ways to make changes to your birthday date on the biggest social media platform.

Recommended: How To Stop Facebook From Announcing Your Birthday To Your Friends

So, if you have just edited your birth date on Facebook, it is good to exercise patience for days or weeks before it is changed again.

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